Preterm Labor Signs and Symptoms
Premature labor, also known as preterm labor, is a very serious complication of pregnancy. This is defined as labor that begins prior to 37 weeks gestation. Unfortunately, many women do not understand the signs of premature labor. Early detection can help prevent premature birth and possibly enable you to carry your pregnancy to term or to give your baby a better chance of survival.
Causes of Preterm Labor
o preeclampsia (also known as toxemia or high blood pressure of
o chronic medical illness (such as heart or kidney disease) o infection (such as group B streptococcus, urinary tract infections, vaginal
infections, infections of the fetal/placental tissues)
o drug abuse (such as cocaine) o abnormal structure of the uterus o cervical incompetence (inability of the cervix to stay closed during
o abnormal or decreased function of the placenta o placenta previa (low lying position of the placenta) o placental abruption (early detachment from the uterus) o premature rupture of membranes (amniotic sac) o hydramnios (too much amniotic fluid)
o when fetal behavior indicates the intrauterine environment is not healthy o multiple gestation (twins, triplets, or more) o erythroblastosis fetalis (Rh/blood group incompatibility)
Signs of Premature Labor
Call your practitioner if you have any of the following:
Contractions or cramps, more than 5 in one hour Bright red blood from your vagina Swelling or puffiness of the face or hands, a sign of preeclampsia Pain during urination, possible urinary tract, bladder or kidney infection Sharp or prolonged pain in your stomach (preeclampsia signs) Acute or continuous vomiting (preeclampsia signs) Sudden gush of clear, watery fluid from your vagina Low, dull backache Intense pelvic pressure
Prevention of Preterm Labor
While not all cases of preterm labor can be prevented there are a lot of women who will have contractions that can be prevented by simple measures.
One of the first things that your practitioner will tell you to do if you are having contractions is staying very well hydrated.
We definitely see the preterm labor rates go up in the summer months. What happens with dehydration is that the blood volume decreases, therefore increasing the concentration of oxytocin (hormone that causes uterine contractions) to rise. Hydrating yourself will increase the blood volume.
Others things that you can do would be to pay attention to signs and symptoms of infections (bladder, yeast, etc.) because they can also cause infections. Keeping all of your appointments with your practitioner and calling whenever you have questions or symptoms. A lot of women are afraid of "crying wolf," but it is much better to be incorrect than to be in preterm labor and not being treated.
Management of Preterm Labor
There are a lot of variables to managing preterm labor, both in medical options and in terms of what is going on with you and/or your baby. Here are some of the things that you may deal with when in preterm labor.
Hydration (Oral or IV) Herbs (To stop and reverse preterm labor symptoms) Bedrest (Home or Hospital), usually left side lying Medications to stop labor (Magnesium sulfate, brethine, terbutaline, etc.) Medication to help prevent infection (More likely if your membranes have
ruptured or if the contractions are caused by infection)
Evaluation of your baby (Biophysical profile, non-stress or stress tests, amniotic
fluid volume index (AFI), ultrasound, etc.[/link])
Medications to help your baby's lung develop more quickly (Usually if preterm
Preparation for preterm birth
The best key is always prevention and early detection. Make sure to ask your practitioner to discuss the signs and symptoms of preterm labor to you and your partner.
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