Laser surgery: facial

• A cream for use after your laser dressing is Laser is a relatively new method used to treat wrinkles and acne scars of the face. Laser is a specific, narrow, • The night before the procedure, use Dial soap to and sharp ray of light that ‘‘paints away’’ wrinkling and wash your face for 5 minutes. Rinse your face and do acne scars with light rather than burning them off. The not put anything else on it. Repeat this the morning laser helps prepare the skin’s own collagen (the material that keeps the skin firm) and stimulates regrowth of • On the morning of the procedure, start your new collagen. This rejuvenates, restores, and smoothes medications as directed, taking small sips of water as • Unless directed to do otherwise, do not eat or drink CANDIDATES FOR LASER RESURFACING
anything for 4 hours before the scheduled laser • By far, most people have this procedure for cosmetic • Wear comfortable clothing that will not need to be • People with fair skin are more suitable for this pulled over your head for removal. Remove your procedure than those with darker skin.
• Small blood vessels on the skin of the face and body • Arrange for someone to drive you home. You will be can be shrunk or eliminated by laser.
given medication to make you more comfortable • Laser resurfacing is an excellent alternative for after the operation, but this will reduce your patients on blood-thinning medications (example: Coumadin) because the laser does not causebleeding. This means that the person does not need ■ OPERATION
• You’ll be given medicine that will make you feel ● TREATMENT
drowsy before the procedure is begun.
Although laser technology offers some distinct advan- • The procedure generally is done under local tages over conventional skin and resurfacing techniques, anesthesia. A short, fine needle is used to inject an it is not intended to be a cure-all treatment. There are anesthetic into the affected area to make it numb.
circumstances, such as deep scarring, deep wrinkles, and Occasionally, the procedure is done under general variations in skin pigmentation, in which conventional anesthesia. In that case, you will have an examination treatment, combined with laser surfacing, is indicated.
of your blood, urine, heart (EKG), and lungs (chest PREOPERATIVE PREPARATION
x-ray). The choice of anesthetic will be discussedwith you beforehand.
• The laser procedure will be carefully explained to you because it is important that you have realistic • During the procedure, you may feel some mild expectations and a full understanding of the healing • The procedure takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour, • A detailed history will be taken relative to your facial depending on how large an area is lasered.
skin and any treatments or problems with it in the POSTOPERATIVE CARE
• You will be taken to a recovery area and observed.
• There will be a thorough physical examination as it When your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing are • The surgeon will need to have assurance that you are stable, you should be able to go home that very same not troubled with any significant illness or prone to keloids, scar formation, or cold sores.
• Arrangements will be made for your postoperative • Please let the surgeon know if you have used Accutane medication for acne, especially within the ✚ HOME CARE
last year. Also, be certain to let the surgeon and • Restrict your activities the first 24 to 48 hours.
nurses know if you are allergic to any medications.
• Your face or lasered area may be swollen. At • Six weeks before the laser treatment: bedtime, sleep with your head elevated on two Begin to use HQRA (a cream) on your face twice aday to prepare the skin for the laser.
• Wear sunscreen daily with an SPF of at least 15 • Use an ice bag (or a bag of frozen peas, which conforms well to the curves) for 20 minutes every • Standard preoperative photographs will be taken of hour for the first 24 hours during waking hours.
• During the first 24 to 48 hours, the lasered areas will • Avoid tanning for 1 week before the laser weep a straw-colored fluid. This will be absorbed by • You will be given prescriptions for the following: • The skin will be quite pink: this will gradually fade • Medication for preventing cold sore formation.
• Medication for reducing any swelling of the face.
• The skin of your face will feel somewhat tense or ᭧ Copyright 1999 by WB Saunders Company. All rights reserved.
• Continue taking and complete your prescribed • Avoid direct sunlight for 3 to 6 months. Use a sun medications. If needed, you will be given medicine • As with any procedure, complications are always • Avoid facial movement that will cause the lasered possible. With this procedure, complications can include cold sores, which should immediately be • Avoid strenuous exercise for 2 to 3 weeks, both to treated with Zovirax, and blotching or dark avoid irritating the skin and also to avoid pigmentation, which should be treated with the • Be alert that you do not become constipated. You ✆ CALL OUR OFFICE IF
may need some help with a laxative (example: milkof magnesia).
• You develop any crust, cloudy drainage, increasing • Keep the dressings dry. After 1 week, gently wash pain, unusual redness or swelling, cold sores or fever your face with cold water. Ten days after the blisters, itchiness, or any blotching, lightening, or operation you may begin using light makeup.
• Do not pick at or rub away dead skin or crust.
• You develop a temperature higher than 100ЊF.
• You will be given instructions on skin care.
᭧ Copyright 1999 by WB Saunders Company. All rights reserved.


Bioetica 71.indd

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