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ottobre 2013 la termotecnica fAccin Velocità - precisione - ripetibilità nei processi di calandratura Velocità di esecuzione, precisione e ripeti-bilità del risultato sono i parametri richiesti in ogni processo di calandratura in serie. Questi requisiti essenziali sono spesso com-promessi da alcuni fattori legati alle carat-teristiche del materiale o ancor più al design del pe

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Arr gnt cf 11 janvier 2008 substances et méthodes interdites

Publié le : 2008-02-20 11 JANVIER 2008. - Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Communauté française modifiant l'arrêté du 10 octobre 2002 relatif à la procédure de contrôle de la pratique du dopage, et fixant l'entrée en vigueur de certaines dispositions du décret du 8 mars 2001 relatif à la promotion de la santé dans la pratique du sport, à l'interdiction du dopage et à sa préve


BI-POLAR DISORDER Bipolar disorder (previously known as Manic-Depressive Disorder) is being diagnosed at an increasing rate in children and teenagers. Some experts estimate that an additional one million children in the USA may suffer from the early stages of Bipolar Disorder. It is unclear whether there is a real increase in the disorder, or doctors are just getting better at diagnosing the

Mcneil consumer healthcare announces voluntary recall of certain over-the-counter (otc) products in the united states, fiji, guatemala, dominican republic, puerto rico, trinidad & tobago, and jamaica

McNeil Consumer Healthcare Announces Voluntary Recall of Certain Over-The-Counter (OTC) Products in the United States, Fiji, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, and Jamaica Contact: Consumer Inquiries - 1(888) 222-6036 Media Inquiries - Bonnie Jacobs (215) 273-8994 -office (856) 912-9965 - mobile FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Fort Washington, PA (Jul


I rapporti tra diritto antitrust e diritti di proprietà intellettuale Sommario : I. L’INTERAZIONE TRA LE DUE NORMA- plina a protezione dei diritti in questioneTIVE: FINALITÀ CONVERGENTI O CONFLITTO INTRIN-e le regole antitrust ; intreccio che si ri-SECO? – II . I DIRITTI DI PROPRIETÀ INTELLETTUALE E LA DISCIPLINA IN MATERIA DI INTESE. – 1. Gliconflitto tra i due ambi

Microsoft word - terms-pdf-word-doc.docx

By entering this promotion, entrants agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. STANDARD TERMS 1.1 Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Any entry that does not comply with these 2. WHO CAN ENTER 2.1 Subject to clause 2.2, the Promotion is open to all residents of Australia and New Zealand. 2.2 Employees and their immediate families of the Promoter an


Verwaltungsrichterin Moser als Vorsitzende, Verwaltungsrichter Stecher und Audétat, Aktuarin ad hoc Meier-Künzle in der verwaltungsrechtlichen Streitsache vertreten durch Rechtsanwalt lic. iur. et oec. Christian Thöny, Sozialversicherungsanstalt des Kantons Graubünden, A._____ arbeitete als Bauhilfsarbeiter im Tunnel-, Hoch- und Tiefbau. Er meldete sich am 31. Januar 2007 infolge Gelenk


http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2004/204_beauty.htmlFDA Home Page | Search FDA Site | FDA A-Z Index | Contact FDAA smaller nose. Bigger breasts. Slimmer thighs. Plumper lips. Less hair on the body. Morehair on the head. Whether we're looking to tighten our tummies or lighten our laugh lines, America's fascination with youth and beauty has long fueled the development of medical products for cosm

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c.1 A CHRISMAS CAROL: PRE-INTERMEDAITE (IE) DICKENS, C. c.2 A CHRISMAS CAROL: PRE-INTERMEDAITE (IE) CD-ROM DICKENS, C. A Christmas Carol : Preintermediate Charles Dickens A HACKER'S REVENGE: PASSWORD READERS Frances Hodgson A Little Princess African Adventure Celebration Chemical Secret Tim Vicary c.1 CITY MOUSE AND COUNTRY MOUSE c.2 CITY MOUSE AND COU


L’adolescent entre psyché et soma lescent comme une tentative d’aménagerL’ part d’entre nous la véritable ren- ce nouvel espace familial ; et ceci du faittion du statut de celui-ci et de son appar-tenance. Jusqu’alors en effet, aussi essen-parricidaire avec les parents, qu’introduitl’organisation de la personnalité, le corpsmiliarisation est nécessaire pour intégrerfa

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Microsoft word - 02_cool_regulation.doc

Regulation 178/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mandatory country of origin labelling (CoOL) for food products (Text with EEA relevance) [for educational purposes only] THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 114 thereof, Having regard to the prop


ELI LILLY Subsector : Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Sector : Health care Region : USA & CDN Stock exchange : NYSE Recommendation : buy Price: 50,19 USD Quality : good Date: 27/03/2008 Risk profile: very dynamic Source : KBC Asset Management Most recent recommendation change: 13/07/2006 Activities Price chart ‰ Eli


Allegra & Herzlich willkommen! • Alle unsere Speisen (ausser Rösti) sind hausgemacht. • Alle Kuchen und einen Teil vom Brot backen wir im eigenen Holzofen. • Das biologische Olivenöl, das wir auch zum Kochen verwenden, kommt vom eigenen Olivenhain in Italien. Gern verkaufen wir dieses auch in 0.5 l-Flaschen zu CHF 18.- Das gemeinsame Abendessen findet um 18:30 Uhr stat

Microsoft word - puttingwebinarstowork.doc

Newsletter February 2009 Putting Webinars to Work in Law Enforcement and Public Safety By James P. Cavanagh, Knowledge Transfer Agent The Law Enforcement And Public Safety Channel – LEAPS.TV jim@leaps.tv What is a “webinar”? Many say webinar is short for “web seminar” but that may not help much in understanding what a webinar actually is. Ignoring all the hype and claims

Lake community bank

E-Statement Frequently Asked Questions What records will you provide to me electronically? If you agree to the terms and conditions and provide your consent, you will receive electronic records that relate to our Lake Community Bank Online Banking Services ("Services"). Lake Community Bank E-Statements are offered for eligible deposit accounts allowing you to replace your mailed

Le lezard

LE LEZARD DANS LE BUFFET De Christian MORIAT Le code de la propriété intellectuelle interdit les copies ou reproductions destinées à une utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le consentement de l'auteur ou des ayants cause, constitue une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles L. 335-2 et


OPAS TYÖNANTAJILLE • Tietoa tupakoinnin ja tupakastavieroituksen terveystaloudellisista vaikutuksista • Kolmen yrityksen kokemuksia tupakastavieroittamisesta • Ohjeet tupakoimattomuuden edistämiseksi työpaikalla TYÖNANTAJAN KANNATTAA TUKEA TUPAKOINNISTA VIEROITUSTA Tupakointi aiheuttaa Suomessa vuosittain noin 6000 ennenaikaistakuolemaa pääosin sydän- ja verisuon

AnglŲ kalba

2012 m. anglų kalbos egzamino užduotis 1.Read the following extract from a book about English people. Five sentences have been removed from the text. Fill in gaps 1-5 with the missing sentences from A-F. There is one extra sentence that won't fit any gaps.(5 points ) If you look from a helicopter at any English town, you will see that the residential areas consist almost entirely of


Material Safety Data Sheet Protective Clothing TDG Road / Rail Section I. Product Identification and Uses Product Name Better Than Crawling Insect Killer CI# Synonyms Chemical Name Chemical Formula Chemical Family Hydrocarbons with synergized pyrethroid. Molecular Weight Supplier Manufacturer Material Uses Residual & contact killer spray. Section

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Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt Drucksache 6/1868 06.03.2013 Antrag Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/ DIE GRÜNEN Selbstbestimmung von Frauen stärken – rezeptfreie Abgabe der „Pille danach“ Der Landtag wolle beschließen: 1. Der Landtag stellt fest, dass die rezeptfreie Abgabe postkoitaler Kontrazeptiva (Notfallverhütung) mit dem Wirkstoff Levonorgestrel eine selbstbestimmte Sexu


Pasá la voz - Ecografistas 1 ¿Sabías que… toda mujer embarazada quierecontinuar con ese embarazo?patriarcales, paternalistas e intrusivos. ese embarazo no es viable para esemomento de sus vidas? contexto de la relación sanitaria es: - en primer lugar , preguntarle qué le interesa saber a partir de ese estudio; - en segundo lugar , preguntarle si piensa continuar o n

What’s peer-reviewed and is it the same as academic

What’s Peer-Reviewed? Is it the same as Academic? How can I tell? The terms academic, scholarly or peer-reviewed are different ways to describe the intellectual rigour of an article, book or publication. The terms tell the reader that the article is reliable and authoritative, and makes a valuable contribution to the topic of study. Usually, when we talk about peer-reviewed item, we mean an


Unlike other vowels in Korean, the vowel [Û] is unique in that it is subject to Û/zero alternation in suffixation, and to insertion in loanwords. Within rule-based frameworks, these two processes are characterised as Û-deletion rule and as Û-insertion, respectively (e.g. S.-C. Ahn 1985, 1998; Kim-Renaud 1982, among others). Consequently, Underspecificaton Theory (Archangeli 1984) treats the vo


Effekte ausgewählter Neurotoxine auf Funktion und Struktur des Gehirns als „Generator und Rezeptor“ im (Leistungs-)SportErgänzungen zum 7. und letzten Teil der Beitragsserie „Zur Bedeutung der Ernährung für das Gehirn“Stoffe gelangen leicht mittels passiver Diffusi-on durch den Lipidanteil von ZellmembranenToxische Wirkungen sind abhängig von der Do-ins Blut und werden so schn

The world

LA LISTA DE PROHIBICIONES 2013 ESTÁNDAR INTERNACIONAL El texto oficial de la Lista de Prohibiciones será mantenido por la AMA y será publicado en inglés y francés. En caso de discrepancia entre la versión inglesa y las traducciones, la versión inglesa publicada eprevalecerá. Esta Lista entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2013. Lista de Prohibiciones 2013 10 de septi

Effects of ethylene glycol on the synthesis of ampicillin using immobilized penicillin g acylase

Journal of Chemical Technology and BiotechnologyJ Chem Technol Biotechnol 78:431–436 (online: 2003) Effects of ethylene glycol on the synthesis of ampicillin using immobilized penicillin G acylase Dong-Zhi Wei* and Liu Yang State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, Institute of Biochemistry, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, People’s Republic of China


Congratulations on having registered in The Landmark Forum. The Landmark Forum is an inquiry into one’s relationship to life—to one’s self, family, teachers, school and peers. The Landmark Forum is designed as an opportunity for people to be more powerful, freely expressed and effective in dealing with life. Å The Landmark Forum for Young People Å The Landmark Forum for Teens • PART

Fjc200640 1.8

Experimental Hyperlipidemia Causes an Increase in theDalia A. Hamdy, MSc and Dion R. Brocks, PhDbe caused by several factors such as genetic makeup orAbstract: To assess the influence of hyperlipidemia (HL) onsecondarily to other factors including diet and lifestyle habitsamiodarone (AM) effect in the heart, rats were pretreated with either 1and diseases or drugs.1–3 Plasma lipoproteins, w


Quick Start Install Guide for pfSense. At the end of this guide you will be able to set up the Open Source (free) firewall pfSense. You will be able to have a seperate WiFi LAN subnet with access to the internet that cannot access the internal LAN which is seperated with firewall rules. This guide is intended for users who are from the Linksys, Netgear, D-link etc. firewall/router backgr


Text Categorization Fabrizio SebastianiIstituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’InformazioneConsiglio Nazionale delle RicercheVia Giuseppe Moruzzi, 156124 Pisa, ItalyE-mail: fabrizio.sebastiani@isti.cnr.it Abstract Text categorization (also known as text classification, or topic spotting)is the task of automatically sorting a set of documents into categories froma predefined set. This task


Section 1: Chemical Identification Chemical name: Tetracycline Hydrochloride Identity (As used on label and list): Tetracycline Hydrochloride Gold Biotechnology, Inc. Section 2: Composition/Information on Ingredients Section 3: Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Irritant; May be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin. Photo sensitizerCalifornia Prop. 6


RAPORTTI LIIKUNTATIETEELLISESTÄ TUTKIMUSPROJEKTISTA Tutkimuksen johtaja ja suorituspaikka: Mustafa Atalay, Kuopion yliopisto, Fysiologian laitos Tutkimusryhmä; M. Atalay, N. Oksala, J. Lappalainen, Z. Lappalainen, K. Kaarniranta, S. Hyyppä, Z. Radak, C.K. Sen Tutkimuksen nimi ja asiasanat: Protective and anti-apoptotic role of thioredoxin system: effect of endurance training an

Microsoft word - euro2002

Key success factors for investments in South Africa by Adriaan Brouwers, Leverage, and Isaac Shongwe, Letsema To make the attractive investment opportunities South Africa offers a success, the international investor needs to meet the following criteria. The investor needs to understand the fundamentals of the South African economy to appreciate the economic successes which have been achieved


Islamic Transitional State of Afghanistan Central and Provincial Ministry of Health Public Administration Staff Capacity Building Plan MOH Public Health Administration Staff Table of Contents (i) Acknowledgements . 3 (ii) Acronyms . 4 1. Introduction. 5 2. The Process . 6 3. The Outcome. 7 4. The Costs . 8 5. Annexes. 11 5.1 Terms of Reference PHACBWG. 11 5.2 Master Skill Set List. 15

Drugs off-patent

Drugs Off-Patent Report - less than 100 m E lectronic R eports on D isk R eports on Year of Expiration - 1998 Earliest Class 1 -< 10 m ; Class 2 -< 25 m ; Class 3 -< 50 m ; Class 4 -< 75 m ; Class 5 -< 100 m Class 6 -> 100 m Drugs Off-Patent Report - less than 100 mDrugs Off-Patent Report - less than 100 m Year of Expiration - 1998 Earliest Drugs Off-Paten


Wat te doen en laten rondom de zwangerschap? Een optimale voedingsstatus van de vrouw voorafgaand aan en tijdens de eerste weken van de zwangerschap is van essentieel belang voor een goed verloop van de zwangerschap en de gezondheid van het ongeboren kind. Dit artikel beschrijft welke nutriënten en voedings-middelen in deze periode extra aandacht verdienen. In de periode rondom de conceptie

Confidential medical history (2)

CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL HISTORY Patient Name: ___________________________________________________________ Please answer ALL questions. If you do not know the answer, or do not understand the question, insert a ? in the space. Nature of complaints: ____________________________________________________ GENERAL HEALTH Do you smoke? ____ How many packs a day? ____ For how long? _____ Yea


Psychological Treatment for AdolescentDepression: Perspectives on the Past,Present, and FutureLouise Hayes,1,2 Patricia A. Bach3 and Candice P. Boyd4 1 School of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ballarat, Australia2 Ballarat Health Services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Ballarat, Australia3 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, United States of Ame

Mag le pallium 4

Un à un, ensemble, Comment accompagner un être humain dans ses derniers moments, "aux bordsdu monde" ? Comment s’organiser pour y répondre et tenter de nommer auxconfins de l’innommable(je fais ici référence à un beau texte de Maud Mannoni) ?Voilà quelques questions qui suscitèrent la création du Pallium. A l’origine de notre association, de sa construction, étage pa


“PROGETTO BENESSERE GLOBALE” Programma di Educazione alla Consapevolezza Psicosomatica per il Benessere del Corpo e della Mente. Progetto di “terapia olistica per la promozione e diffusione della consapevolezza e del benessere personale” ideato e sviluppato dall’Istituto di Psicosomatica PNEI dell’associazione APS Villaggio Globale, promosso e finanziato dal Ministero del

Microsoft word - when doing everything we know is not enough2 4 12.doc

When Doing Everything We Know is Not Enough At three, Sam drank kerosene from a used “Mountain Dew” can. As a toddler he had his clothes stapled to the floor as a means of control or cruelty or deranged parenting. At four, Sam is expelled from kindergarten for a host of reasons including wiping feces on school bus windows. He was the youngest of five siblings and the sex toy for older yo


ORDIN nr. 153 din 26 februarie 2003pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice privind infiintarea, organizarea si functionarea cabinetelor medicaleEmitent : Ministerul Sanatatii si FamiliePublicat in : Monitorul nr.353 din data 23.05.2003_____________________________________Avand in vedere art. 15 din Legea nr. 629/2001 pentru aprobarea Ordonantei Guvernului nr. 124/1998 privind organizarea si funct

Microsoft word - 2006_0727glaxosmithkline.doc

Unternehmensporträt International GlaxoSmithKline (GB) 27. Juli 2006 Halten (bisher: Halten) Glaxo SmithKline Kurs (LSE): Währung: Hoch (52 Wo.) : Tief (52 Wo.) : Reuters: Marktkap.: Umsatzstärkste Regionen / Sparten Gewinn je Nettodivi- Verschul- Eigenkapital- Nettogewinn dende/Aktie Div.-Rendite dungsgrad • GlaxoSmithKline Pl

Sextuor/dp frada 01/2003

de Armando Llamas (Editions Michel Chomarat) mise en scène Jean-Pierre Dumas Du 7 janvier au 2 février 2003 plein tarif 18 ¤ , tarifs réduits 13 ¤ et 9 ¤ mercredi tarif unique 9 ¤ Rencontre-débat Théâtre de la Tempête - réservation Production Paradoxale Cie avec l’Aide à la production de la DRAC Ile-de- 01 43 28 36 36 France et la particip

Microsoft word - 04_croutxe.doc

RadTech Europe 2005 Conference & Exhibition Photoinitiating Systems for Hybrid Sol-Gel Coatings : Toward Enhanced Materials for UV-Curing Applications C. Croutxé- Barghorn, M. Feuillade, D.J. Lougnot, Department of Photochemistry, University of Haute-Alsace, France Abstract Radiation curing in organic photopolymers has proved its value in terms of high technical performanc

The role of topical antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection

The Role of Topical Antibiotic Prophylaxis toPrevent Endophthalmitis after IntravitrealInjectionPhilip Storey, MD, Michael Dollin, John Pitcher, MD,Sahitya Reddy, Joseph Vojtko, James Vander, MD,Jason Hsu, Sunir J. Garg, MD,the Post-Injection Endophthalmitis Study TeamTo compare the incidence of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection with and without topicalpostinjection antibiotic prophy

Microsoft word - hr_searight_cv_4-2010

H. RUSSELL SEARIGHT OFFICE ADDRESS: HOME ADDRESS: Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 (906)-635-2188 EDUCATION: Ph.D. - August, 1984 Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri Major: Clinical Psychology (A.P.A. fully approved program) M.P.H (Master’s in Public Health) –January, 2003 Saint Louis University School of Public Health, St. Louis, Missouri M.S. (R) - May, 1982 Saint

Discipline procedure and behaviour management

ADMINISTERING MEDICINES & ASTHMA Section 1 - Administering Medicines Only medication prescribed by a doctor will be administered by Nursery staff and Calpol. Before any medicine can be administered a medical consent form must be completed by the parent. It is hoped that medicines will be administered by parents as often as is reasonably possible. Prescription medicine is only to


INFORMATION FOR PETS ON CHEMOTHERAPY The medications used for chemotherapy are very potent. While they are designed to target your pet’s cancer cells, the medications also effect normal cells and have the potential to cause serious side effects if not carefully monitored and administered. Chemotherapy generally consists of a series of medications given in a specific order. For the chemothera

What are cataracts

What Are Cataracts? What Causes Cataracts? 15 Jul 2009 Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens inside the eye - which is normally clear. Cataracts can develop in one or both eyes. If they develop in both eyes, one will be more severely affected than the other. A normally clear lens allows light to pass through to the back of the eye, so that the patient can see well-defined images. If a

AcordÃo tcu plenario 1233-2012

ACÓRDÃO Nº 1233/2012 – TCU – Plenário 1. Processo nº TC 011.772/2010-7. 2. Grupo I – Classe de Assunto V: Relatório de Auditoria 3. Interessados/Responsáveis: 3.1. Interessada: Secretaria de Fiscalização de Tecnologia da Informação – Sefti. 4. Órgão: Ministério da Saúde (vinculador). 5. Relator: Ministro Aroldo Cedraz. 6. Representante do Ministério Público: Subprocu

Differentialdiagnose dekompressionskrankheit: $$ neurologische ausfälle bei einem piloten nach einem transatlantikflug

Differentialdiagnose Dekompressionskrankheit Neurologische Ausfälle bei einem Piloten nach einem Transatlantikflug C. Frigg a, J. Stepanek b, A. Gmür c, J. Suter d Fallbericht derzulegen (unkenntliche Handschrift). Amnächsten Tag fiel es ihm schwer, ein Schrift- Anamnese stück auf seinem PC zu erstellen, ohne eine Viel-Ein 60jähriger, erfahrener Privatpilot trat inder Funktion ein


21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613 Homepage: http://textmining.krdl.org.sg ABSTRACT Text mining, also known as knowledge discovery from text, and documentinformation mining, refers to the process of extracting interesting patternsfrom very large text corpus for the purposes of discovering knowledge. Text mining is an interdisciplinary field involving information retrieval,text und

Ca du 3 mars 2009

LYCEE Jean-Pierre VERNANT EXTRAIT DU REGISTRE DES DELIBERATIONS 21, rue du Docteur Lédermann DU CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION 92310 SEVRES du LYCEE JEAN-PIERRE VERNANT 092 0802X en sa séance du Mardi 3 mars 2009 Le Conseil d’Administration du Lycée de Sèvres - 21, rue du Docteur Lédermann - 92310 SEVRES - sur convocation de son Président adressée le 4 fév

Moola mantra

Moola Mantra Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma Purushothama Paramatma Sri Bhagavathi Sametha Sri Bhagavathe Namaha När man sjunger eller uttalar detta vediska mantra så behöver man inte förstå betydelsen av mantrat för att det ska ha effekt. Mantrat har i sig en inneboende kraft. Om man känner till vad mantrat betyder och sjunger det (uttalar det) med förståelse och in

Microsoft word - 1.33 aida (aml17).doc

1 Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia 1.33 AIDA – Clinical Trial AML17 Indication Induction and Consolidation of APL – Arm A of AML 17 Clinical Trial Pre-treatment Evaluation Morphology of blood and bone marrow aspirate. Trephine biopsy and ‘roll preparations’ should be made if the aspirate is difficult 6ml bone marrow or 30ml peripheral blood in EDTA to be collected from tr


Rubem Braga, Antônio Bôto e o Vernéculoser famoso. Era um grande poeta, assim qualifi-cado pelos melhores críticos e, entre nós, pordo-me a passar uma temporada com ele. Manuel Bandeira. Grande poeta, também, paraseu amigo íntimo e confidente Fernando Pessoa,da vida. “Nada, nada de novo, rien de rien ”,que publicou na sua editora (dele, Pessoa), aescrevia, citando Edith Piaf.

Use of a glass ball to suppress behavioral estrus in mares

Use of a Glass Ball to Suppress Behavioral Estrus in Mares Gary J. Nie, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate ACT, Diplomate ABVP;Kristina E. Johnson, DVM; Timothy D. Braden, PhD; andJames G. W. Wenzel, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate ACT, Diplomate ACVPMA 35-mm glass ball placed in the uterus within 24 hours following ovulation will result in a prolongedluteal phase in approximately 40% of mares. Progesterone lev

Microsoft word - versionforwebpostingflood.docx

DRAFT: Please cite as a draft paper. The Evidentiary Burden for Overturning Government’s Choice of Regulatory Instrument: The Case of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs Canada Research Chair, Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Health Services & Policy Research, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Department of Health Policy, Management & Evaluati

Microsoft word - participantbios20092010.doc

2009/2010 Participant Biographies Ana-Elisa Armstrong de Almeida Currently Ana-Elisa works with children, youth and families who have experienced sexual abuse and/or other forms of abuse and trauma. She is a big advocate for sexual abuse prevention education and for the inclusion of children and youth’s voices in decisions that affect them, be that on a family, community or societal le


Perennials for Sun Acanthus mollis Achillea 'Cassis' Achillea 'Maynard's Gold' Achillea 'Moonshine' Achillea 'Red Beauty' Achillea Wonderful Wampee Agastache 'Black Adder' Agastache 'Firebird' Agastache 'Golden Jubilee' Agastache Blue Fortune Allium 'Mongolian Gem' Amorpha canescens Amsonia blue Ice Amsonia illustris Amsonia tabernaemontanta Andropogon 'Silver Sunrise' Anemone crispa Anemone Rob

Conseils aux voyageurs

Conseils aux Voyageurs Internationaux I) Avant le départ: 1. Demander à votre médecin d'attester les vaccins pratiqués, sur le Carnet International de• Il faut mettre ou remettre à jour les vaccins indispensables: diphtérie, tétanos, poliomyélite. Penser à se faire vacciner contre l'hépatite B, la fièvre typhoïde, I'hépatite A,la méningite à méningocoques A et C suivant

Microsoft word - vc 5 papel de la observacion internacional en el conflicto social de oaxaca sp - corregido 4 junio 2012.doc

El papel de la observación internacional en el conflicto social en Oaxaca, desde la experiencia de la Comisión Civil Internacional de Observación de los Derechos Humanos (CCIODH), en 2006/2007 y 2008. Hélène Roux* “Algunos organismos no gubernamentales a nivel internacional esconden intereses mezquinos tras la defensa de los derechos humanos y se convierten en instrumentos d

Ligand pharmaceuticals inc

LIGAND PHARMACEUTICALS INC Filed 10/03/03 for the Period Ending 10/02/0311085 NORTH TORREY PINES ROADSUITE 300LA JOLLA, CA 92037© Copyright 2012, EDGAR Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distribution and use of this document restricted under EDGAR Online, Inc. Terms of Use. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION CURRENT REPORT Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exc

Plida c2_mods_corr3.qxp

SEZIONE 1 – IL PLIDA Che cos’è il PLIDA? Il PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) è un diploma di certificazione rilasciato dallaSocietà Dante Alighieri in base ad una convenzione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Esso attestala competenza in italiano come lingua straniera secondo una scala di sei livelli, che rappresentanoaltrettante fasi del percorso di apprendiment

Microsoft word - nslp agm 2006 resolutions.doc

NOVA SCOTIA LIBERAL PARTY Sunday Shopping - The Standing Committee on Prov. Policy Development (withdrawn) ! Whereas an ever expanding variety of businesses have begun or continued to open on Sunday, often doing business outside of their traditional domains, ! Whereas Nova Scotia communities continue to lose business to communities in New ! Whereas means exist to protect workers who do not

Microsoft word - breaking free.doc

Breaking Free Clinical Pastoral Counseling, Ph.D. Program This paper reviews the course titled, Breaking Free, and is part of the course requirements for the Ph.D. program in Clinical Christian Counseling. This course is sectioned into 30 separate modules of study, each of which will be addressed in this COMN 101 of this course is titled “Using the Bible and Relying on the Holy Spirit i

Microsoft word - 3636 5-hiaa ing.doc

5 – HIAA Chromatographic – Colorimetric Determination of 5-Hydroxy-3-Indolacetic Acid (5-HIAA) Accurately mix each collected eluate, keeping them separate. COLORIMETRIC REACTION 40 tests REF 3636 INTENDED USE Kit for quantitative in vitro determination of 5-Hydroxy-3-Indoleacetic Acid PRINCIPLE The final products of tryptophane metabolism are adsorbed o


ARD Online First, published on January 7, 2013 as 10.1136/annrheumdis-2012-202504 Serum levels of hs-CRP in patients with normal CRP values (<5 mg/l)ASAS, Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society; CRP, C-reactive protein. The average delay in axial spondyloarthri-tis (axSpA) diagnosis after symptom onsetis one of the longest among inflammatorypatients without SpA had sacroil

Cytotec til framköllun fæðinga

undir tungu, í leggöng eða endaþarm. undir tungu, í leggöng eða endaþarm. andín E1 analog þ.e.a.s virkar eins og viðtökum í legi, en það hefur einnig á leg voru uppgvötvaðir um 1969 þegar mýkjandi og styttandi áhrif á legháls. Cytotec hefur áhrif á leghálsinn en það virðist vera vegna áhrifa á bandvefinn tíma og þarf að gefa m


Experimental and Clinical Evidence for Brimonidine as an Optic Nerve and Retinal Neuroprotective Agent An Evidence-Based Review Meredith Saylor, BA; Linda K. McLoon, PhD; Andrew R. Harrison, MD; Michael S. Lee, MD Objective: To review the available evidence for the neu- for neuroprotection: receptors on its target tissues, ad-roprotective qualities of brimonidine tartrate in optic ne


17 β -Estradiol determination of 17 β-Estradiol in human serum or plasma GenWay Biotech, Inc. _______________________________________________________________________ Product Number: 40-521-475003 (96 Determinations) _______________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. INTENDED USE 3. PRINCIPLE OF THE ASSAY 4. MATER


Web of Science: Citation Indexing for Journals in All Disciplines Connect to Web of Science from the Merrill-Cazier Library website , http://library.usu.edu/. Use the “Find a Database” feature on the homepage. Or click Find Resources, then Electronic Resources & Databases , then click “W” in the alphabetical list. ƒ Combines access to Science Citation Inde

Candida history

BODY BY DESIGN • AN LFH INTERACTIVE WORKBOOK CANDIDA HISTORY & CHECKLIST FORMS Candida Self Analysis The following History and Major Symptom Checklist has been prepared by Lindsey Duncan, CN. and CEO of Nature’s Secret. These support materials are provided based on his permission. History – Section 1 This section involves an understanding of your medical history and how it

Microsoft word - 99704.doc

I want to thank all of you for having me here today. It is a real pleasure to meet with you and get a sense of the tradition of the Law and Medicine Center here at Case Western Reserve. There have been a lot of contributions made by this program over the last fifty years, but I am here to tell you that we need innovative ideas in law and medicine, and we need them more than ever in health policy.

Microsoft word - independent data.doc


Microsoft word - verslag lezing erik scherder kbwo brouwhuis svd th.doc

Het belang van bewegen Prof. Dr. Erik Scherder, KBWO Brouwhuis, 12 juli 2011 Met een kort verslag van een indrukwekkende presentatie probeer ik recht te doen aan de manier waarop Prof. Dr. Erik Scherder zijn boodschap overbracht op 12 juli 2011 in Brouwhuis. Hij sprak daar op uitnodiging van Jos Vincent van KBWO Brouwhuis. Scherder is hoogleraar klinische psychologie Vrije Universitei




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F r e i t a g , 2 2 . D e z e m b e r 2 0 0 6S t u t t g a r t e r Z e i t u n g N r . 2 9 6 Stars in der kleinen und großen Manege Grönemeyer und Genesis kommen ins Daimlerstadion – der Rock- und Popkonzert-Kalender für das kommende Jahr füllt sich allmählich Reamonn am 4. Februar, Nelly Furtado am 5. März, Toto am 17. März und die SportfreundeWer zufällig noch nich


GIARDINI EDITORI E STAMPATORI IN PISA® L’ITINERARIO UMANO E POETICO DI GIOVANNI BERCHET Composto in carattere Dante Monotype Legatura in brossura con copertina in cartoncino Argomento: Letteratura italiana. Critica lettera- Murillo Fabriano grigio chiaro con stampa a due Diretta da Luigi Banfi, Giorgio Baroni, Umberto Carpi, Davide De Camilli NDICE: I. Berchet mi

Cialis case study.eps

2003 Super Bowl game, but the first consumer outreach for The golf connection offered the opportunity for Rx EDGE to in Rx EDGE in-store programs. Matched-panel research the product occurred in late 2002. Rx EDGE began working create a new floor display promoting chances to win tickets has shown that Rx EDGE campaigns deliver an average When the first prescription drug to treat erectile dysf

Fact sheet: about agitation and alzheimer's disease

About Agitation and Alzheimer’s Disease Prepared by the Alzheimer’s Association What is agitation? The term agitation is used to describe a large group of behaviors associated with Alzheimer’s disease. As the disease progresses, most people with Alzheimer’s experience agitation in addition to memory loss and other thinking symptoms. In the early stages of the dis

Microsoft word - notas 14 de agsoto 2012.docx

Tribunal Electoral decidirá si recibe en audiencia pública a AMLO Por acuerdo de la Comisión que construirá el dictamen de calificación de la elección presidencial, elegirá el pleno de la Sala Superior http://www.excelsior.com.mx/index.php?m=nota&seccion=seccion-­‐nacional&cat=1&id_nota=853412    Por acuerdo de la Comisión que construirá el dictamen de califica


lunes 2 de noviembre de 2009 Allocutio y Boletín del Concilium noviembre 2.009 http://www.legion-of-mary.ie/ Boletín Allocutio Por el Fr Bede Mc Gregor Director Espiritual de la Legión de María noviembre 2009 Volviendo a lo Básico Con el fin de que los Legionarios de María y la Legión con todo su potencial que tiene habitualmente se renueve y florezca, no hay otr

Abstracts workshop 2.pdf

A Solid Waste Contaminated Site in the Negev Desert – Case Study U. Manandhar, R. Vulkan, O. Barazani, P. Sathiyamoorthy and A. Golan-Goldhirsh Ben-Gurion University of the Negev The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert research, Department of Dryland Biotechnologies Desert Plants Biotechnology Laboratory, Sede Boker Campus 84990, Israel A solid-waste-contaminated site in the N

Consent to electronic delivery of documents

CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS Lek Securities Corporation (“LSC”) is an electronic-based broker-dealer providing self-directed brokerage services. By agreeing to electronic delivery the undersigned (“Customer”) is giving its informed consent to electronic delivery of all Account Communications (as defined below), other than those Customer has specifically requested b


Comparison of Mupirocin 5 and 20 µg Disk Results to Microdilution and Etest MICs Lab Specialists, Inc. 1651 A Crossings Parkway, Westlake,against Susceptible Isolates and a Resistant Challenge Set of Staphylococcus aureusOH4 4145, USATel: +1 440 835 4458Fax: +1 440 835 5786 L. M. Koeth,1 J. Difranco,1 C. Jakielaszek,2 R. Shawar2 & L. Miller2 1Laboratory Specialists, Inc., Westlake, OH

Microsoft word - smoking - final completed module

Smoking  Tutor’s Notes  Edith Okola with Holly Halstead    Ann Wylie  These  resources  are  freely  available  to  be  copied  and  used  for  teaching  and  public  health  studies.  Please acknowledge author and LTPHN for publication.  SMOKING Why is smoking important? Approximately 10 million ad


Expertenchat zum Thema "Leberprobleme" Dr. Lutz Mirow beantwortete Ihre Fragen im Livechat Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu unserem Expertenchat. Heute dreht sich von 11 bis 13 Uhr alles um das Thema Leberprobleme. Als Gesprächspartner steht uns und Ihnen der Chefarzt der Klinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie im Krankenhaus Mittweida, Dr. Lutz Mirow, Rede und Antwort. Sie

Combined rx booklet_nf-68

accessing your prescription drug information (continued) • Pharmacy locator — fi nd a participating • Coverage exception requests — initiate a request for prior authorization or Non-formulary Consideration by following the instructions • Online customer service — use email to contact a CVS Caremark service representative for any questions about your prescription drug benefi

Microsoft word - are your health problems candida connected.doc

Are your Health Problems Candida Connected? Self Assessment Guide To the following questions, answer Yes or No Have you ever taken antibiotic medications? Have you ever taken contraceptive pills or steroidal drugs? Do you crave sugar, sweets, breads or alcoholic beverages? Do you experience recurrent digestive problems? Do you experience symptoms of fatigue or depression? Do you experience


JUAN DAVID VELASQUEZ TIRADO Médico Universidad Pontificia BolivarianaResidente de Psiquiatría III año - Universidad de AntioquiaProfesor de Psicopatología - Facultad de Trabajo Social. Universidad PontificiaBolivariana. Profesor Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología. Universidad de Antioquia. DIAGNÓSTICO Y MANEJO DE LA DEPRESIÓN MAYOR PARA EL MÉDICO NO PSIQUIATRA Definici


DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE & CHILD NEUROLOGYSurvival of individuals with cerebral palsy receiving continuousintrathecal baclofen treatment: a matched-cohort studyLINDA E KRACH1 | ROBERT L KRIEL2 | STEVEN M DAY3 | DAVID J STRAUSS31 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2 Center for Orphan Drug Research, University of Minnesota,Minneap

Microsoft word - citing sources using ama manual of style 9th edition_rusty.doc

AMA Documentation Style Quick Reference This handout is designed to provide a quick reference to using the American Medical Association style for citing information sources. For a more detailed explanation of the American Medical Association style, see Chapter 2 of American Medical Association Manual of Style 9th Edition . A copy is also located in the UWC. Citing Print Sources Bo




Gebrauchsinformation: Information für Patienten Atorvalan 80 mg-Filmtabletten Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen. - Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an Ihre

Microsoft word - development of atomic theories

Development of atomic theory Democritus (460BC - 370BC), a Greek philosopher, thought matter was composed of very tiny, invisible and indivisible particles that he called “ atoms ”. The later philosophers Plato and Aristotle strongly opposed Democritus’ views, claiming that matter has a continuous structure. Their ideas prevailed until the 19th century, when John Dalton , an

Microsoft word - minutes.agm.newc.06.doc

LAGB Annual General Meeting University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 31 August 2006, 4.30 p.m. Approval of the minutes of the AGM held at the University of Cambridge, 1 September 2005 (circulated) Electronic distribution of LAGB materials (Membership Secretary to report) The Meetings Secretary reported a problem with the current electronic list in that only 10 per cent of the members are on th

Analysis of dna microarray expression data

Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 22 (2009) 271–282Analysis of DNA microarray expression dataRichard Simon, D.Sc., Chief, Biometric Research Branch Biometric Research Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment & Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, 9000 Rockville Pike,Bethesda, MD 20892-7434, USADNA microarrays are powerful tools for studying biologicalmechanisms and for




A Really Brief Christmas Letter (Well, brief for me) As most of my friends and even slight acquaintances know, for many years now I have been in the habit ofwriting a Christmas letter. Each year it has gotten longer and longer, and last year was 38 pages long (single-spaced, in a 10 point palatino font). Brevity may be the soul of wit, but it’s never been my style. It still isn’t. However,


Micro hematocrit tubesMikrohämatokritröhrchenTubes microhématocritesTubi per microematocrito Tubos microhematocritosVITREX micro-haematocrit tubes are quality products that conform to international standard ISO 12772. The tubes are supplied fire polished at the colour-coded end, which we recommend should be sealed with VITREX Sigillum Wax. Fire polishing reduces wear on the centrifuge sea


Summary of prescribing guidance for thetreatment and prophylaxis of influenza-likeillness: TREATMENT PHASEThis guidance is intended to enable health protection units (HPUs) to address local queries aboutthe treatment and prophylaxis of influenza A(H1N1). It is not a substitute for the Summary ofProduct Characteristics (SPC) and the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) which must accompany theFurt


Rare earth elements as alternative growth promoters in pig production Institute for Animal Physiology, Physiological Chemistry and Animal Nutrition,Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, GermanyInstitute for Animal Physiology, Physiological Chemistry and Animal Nutrition,alternative growth promoter _ feed conversion ratio _ in-feed antibiotics _ lanthanidesGrowth promoters or performance enh

Microsoft word - estrogen - the hrt hoax.doc

Estrogen - The HRT Hoax Source: Medscape Women’s Health eJournal, 7/12/2002 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/438357 I am sure that you have heard about this large-scale clinical trial by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) on 16,506 menopausal women 50-79 years of age with an intact uterus who received either HRT in the form of .625 mg of Premarin (synthetic estrogen) and 2.5

Post-doc electrospinning membrane pile lithium

Laboratoire de Rhéologie Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et de UMR 5520, Grenoble INP, Université Joseph Fourier Physicochimie des Matériaux et http://rheologie.ujf-grenoble.fr/ des Interfaces UMR 5621, Grenoble INP http://lepmi.grenoble-inp.fr/ Titre: Elaboration et caractérisation de nouvelles membranes composites organiques obtenues par electrospinning

La science végétale

DISPONIBLES DANS VOTRE SALON LE REFLET CHALONNESPROGRAMME CHEVEUX FINS ET SANS VOLUMEGalbe et volume aérien…Les cheveux fins manquent souvent de volume et de tonus. Difficiles à coiffer, ils n’ont aucune tenue. Vos cheveux ont besoin d’être gainés et hydratés. Ils retrouvent ainsi peu à peu la texture qui donne à votre coiffure un volume aérien, un galbe merveilleux, de la racine au


Drugs and Breast Milk Interactions Chart From: http://www.babycenter.com/general/baby/babybreastfeed/8790.html Whether it is congestion brought on by allergies or pain associated with a more serious health problem, you're probably ready to head to the medicine cabinet for some relief. Although many medications are safe to use while breastfeeding, almost any drug will get into your milk to som


http://www.quikbib.com/processRequesst.asp?vendor=SCOPUS&filter=. AGHAJANZADEH, M., SAFARPOOR, F., HEMATI, H., ALAVI, A. and AGHAJANZADEH, G., 2009. Castleman's disease in a 35 year-old woman with a giant mediastinal mass. Tanaffos, 8 (4), pp. 51-54. AGHAJANZADEH, M., SAFARPOUR, F., KOOHSARI, M., GHANAEI, F., BODAGHI, S. and TOZANDEHGANI, H., 2009. Functional outcome of gastrointestinal t

Princess street group practic registration form

LEIGHTON ROAD SURGERY PATIENT INFORMATION QUESTIONNNAIRE Your answers will help us to plan services that can help to improve your health. All information you provide will be treated in strict confidence and in accordance with all data protection legislation. PERSONAL DETAILS (Please complete in block capitals as appropriate) Family Name :.First Name:. Date of Birth. Occupati

Sexuell übertragbare krankheiten (std)

Überblick • Erreger: • Infektionsweg: • Inkubationszeit: 10-90 Tage (Ø 14 - 21 • Symptome: • Diagnostik • Therapie Direkte sexuelle Kontakte: Haut/SchleimhautBluttransfusionenDiaplazentar von Mutter Infektiosität: führt in 30% der Fälle zu Hochinfektiös im Stadium I Infektiös im Stadium II Im Stadium III trotz schwerwie- gender Krankhe


Skin Analysis Please check all the areas that you are considering for treatment: Please check the conditions you would like treated: Have you ever had: When?____________________________________________________________ Have you used any of these in the last month : Renova, Tazorac, Retin A, Alpha Hydroxy or Glycolic acids? Have you used Accutane or had radiation therapy? Are you

Microsoft word - mpt-1_franklin_v_mclain_item.doc

Read the instructions on the back cover. Do not break the seal until you are told to do so. Copyright © 2010 by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. State of Franklin v. McLain Motion to Suppress Evidence and to Dismiss Count Two .3 Defendant’s exhibit: Transcript of call to CrimeStoppers Hotline .4 Excerpts from the Franklin Criminal Code.11 State v. Montel , Franklin


abstract of the Lancet Volume 370, 8 & 15 Dec, 2007 - Number 9603 & 9604 Lancet- Vol.370 9603&9604) 8&15 Dec, 2007 1 table of contents WORLD REPORT Adjuvant chemotherapy versus observation inReconstructing Afghanistan’s health system. patients with colorectal cancer: a randomised study. SERIES, Chronic Diseases The burden and costs of chro

Microsoft word - a one way street to harmony - aug 2009.doc

On 2 July 2009 the UK Court of Appeal handed down its judgement in Generics A one way street (UK) v Daiichi, dismissing the appeal and holding that the patent relates to inventive subject matter. The court endorsed a more balanced approach to assessing obviousness in patent law, wherein factors such as the motive to find a solution to the problem addressed by the patent, the numbe

Informationen zur tuberkulose stand 25 03 1

Informationen zur Tuberkulose Tuberkulose ist eine Infektionskrankheit, die durch Tuberkulosebakterien verursacht wird. Neben HIV/AIDS und Malaria gehört Tuberkulose zu den weltweit häufigsten Infektionskrankheiten. In Deutschland sind die Tuberkulosefallzahlen seit vielen Jahren rückläufig und die Erkrankung betrifft vorwiegend Menschen, bei denen Umstände vorliegen, die eine Tuberk

Angeschlossen an wunder.pdf

Angeschlossen an Wunder? ADD. Depression. PMS. Schlaflosigkeit. Was haben all diese Symptome gemeinsam? Sie werden behandelt mit einer neuen Form von High-Tech Biofeedback. Öffnen Sie nun Ihren radikalen Wissenschafts-Horizont. Hier ein Bericht über aufregende Möglichkeiten unserer Gehirnwellen. Johannes Geburt war eine mühsame Sache. Drei Monate vor der Zeit wog er nur gerade ei


Celebration of SFU Authors Message from the University Librarian Welcome to this celebration of SFU authors who have published a book or book chapter during 2012. This is the sixth annual event celebrating SFU book authors sponsored by the Library. This year we are celebrating 140 works published by 119 current faculty, students, staff as well as SFU alumni and retirees. The topics cove


Merck was being pilloried in the international press. The issue? Its role in the AIDS crisisin Sub-Saharan Africa, where the price of AIDS treatments far exceeded patients’ abilityto pay. The fallout from public opinion threatened not only Merck’s valued reputation, butthe international system of prices and intellectual property rights on which Merck’s businesswas based. The pharmaceuticals


PFIZER TIEDOTTAA – Lokakuu 2012 Pfizerin hyvityspolitiikka koskien tuotteiden hinnanalennuksista johtuvia varaston arvon alenemia sekä vanhenevia rinnakkaistuotteita. PFIZERIN VARASTONARVON ALENEMAN HYVITYKSET Pfizerin varastonarvon aleneman hyvitykset käsitellään 1.10.2012 alkaen Tamron Arvo-sovelluksella. Arvo-hyvityssovellus on tarkoitettu tehostamaan ja nopeuttamaan

Microsoft word - frequently asked questions boat tours 2013 final.doc

PORT OF LOS ANGELES SCHOOL BOAT TOUR PROGRAM FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who is my Port of Los Angeles School Boat Tour contact? Trisha Malahni, Direct number: (310) 732-3960 Public Relations Division main line: (310) 732-3508 Email: tmalahni@portla.org How can I find information about the School Boat Tour Program? Schools interested in participating in the Port of Los An


Metabolic Assessment Form Name: ___________________________________________ Age: ______ Sex: _____ Date: ______________ Please list the 5 major health concerns in your order of importance: 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________


Bibeln och kyrkans tro i dag Finska kyrkans forskningscentral har givit ut en ”synodalavhandling 2004” som heter ”Bibelnoch kyrkans tro i dag”, red. Maarit Hytönen, Tammerfors 2004 (249 sid.). Denna avhandlinginnehåller tolv uppsatser av teologer inom ”den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan i Finland”,nästan alla samtidigt pastorer. Uppsatserna berör frågor som: vad menas med”bibelt

Microsoft word - claire meltzer.doc

Claire Meltzer 18th September 1926 – 30th January 2008 In Appreciation In June 1998 at the age of almost 72 the remarkable Claire Meltzerembarked upon one of the most ambitious projects of her remarkable life. She became a co-founder of the nascent law firm which was to bear hername: Levison Meltzer Pigott. At a time when most professionals have longsince decided to hang up their boots o

Adam lenskyj - health file - dr. paul dorian 12-feb-2010 report page1&2&3of3.pdf

Adam Lenskyj - health file - Dr. Paul Dorian 12-Feb-2010 report page1&2&3of3 A teaching hospital affiliated with the University of TorontoDr. Aisha LoftersSMH 61 Queen St. EToronto, ON M5C 2T2Mr. Lenskyj, a 69~year-old retired engineer, was seen in follow-up with respect to coronary arterydisease and atrial flutter while in ICU in the context of urosepsis. This gentleman has a hist

Ethan frome

Richard J. Fruncillo, M.D., Ph.D. 7 Lakeview Place Newtown Square, PA 19073 CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATION Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA The Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, PA The Hahnemann Medical College Hospital, Philadelphia, PA The Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, PA The University of Pennsylvania,

Microsoft word - dokument

Ausgabe vom Montag, 17. Mai 2004 Asthma bronchiale: Wie schädlich ist eine Dauerbehandlung bei einem Elfjährigen? Mein Sohn (11) hat Asthma (Allergien: Hausstaubmilben, Tierhaare, Pollen usw.). Seit einem Jahr wird er mit Seretide 250 Diskus behandelt. Dies zweimal täglich, zusätzlich Ventolin Diskus nach Bedarf. Die letzte Kontrolle hat gezeigt, dass es ihm besser geht. Der Lunge

Health record and consent for treatment

Health Record and Consent for Treatment – School Year 2013-2014 Note: Parent/Guardian - It is important that you complete the following Health Record. Your son/daughter must turn this form in with the registration. NAME OF STUDENT:______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________

Argumentaire bernardins 12-13

Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée Laboratoire Espaces éthiques et politiques Collège des Bernardins Département de recherche éthique biomédicale Séminaire de recherche « Religion, éthique et médecine bio-tech » Argumentaire   La médecine occidentale est aujourd’hui confrontée à trois situations nouvelles qui D’une part, les patients — mais aussi des


Résumé du budget fédéral de 2012 Le 29 mars 2012 RÉSUMÉ DU BUDGET FÉDÉRAL DE 2012 Table des matières RÉSUMÉ DU BUDGET FÉDÉRAL DE 2012 Table des matières RÉSUMÉ DU BUDGET FÉDÉRAL DE 2012 INTRODUCTION « Nous prenons aujourd’hui des mesures ambitieuses afin de la réaliser pleinement de manière à donner l’espoir à nos enfants et à nos pet

Los pipitos.- documentos de referencia

ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DE FAMILIA CON HIJOS DISCAPACITADOS DOCUMENTOS DE REFERENCIA Compendio de Necesidades Humanas y Materiales (Apoyando a los Pipitos) 1. Cooperación Técnica 1.1. Asistiéndonos con cooperantes, técnicos y especialistas que se relacionan con: Endocrinólogo Fisiatra Genetista Médicos Neurofisiólogo N

Microsoft word - a b-1530y4 3tier flrx 1.21.04.doc

2004: 3-Tier Medication Guide of Commonly Prescribed Drugs The designation of drugs in the following categories is for reference only and is not a clinical comparison. Drug placement does not establish clinical comparability of products in individual situations. This list provides examples within categories and is not comprehensive. DRUG CLASS (lowest member co-payment) (highest


JUBILÆUMSTALEN – for Les Amis du Vin, 25 år Jeg har trukket loddet med Jubilæumstalen og det opfatter jeg som en stor ære – måske er jeg også nærmest til det, idet jeg nok er den i ”bestyrelsen” som har deltaget i færrest vinsmagninger og dermed har noget at indhente og – i hvert fald på det principielle plan – flest hjerneceller tilbage og er vist også yngst, når de

Assessment no

Obesity: A Very Individual Conundrum Lorraine Nicolle July 2006 W hat’s going on with obesity? We him/her there in the first place. This is expect an obese person to become slim without first understanding the Figure 1: The hub of the nutritional therapist’s approach is ‘getting to know the individual’. Hormones Blood sugar is ‘insulin resistanc


Marta Rendon, MD,a Mark Berneburg, MD,b Ivonne Arellano, MD,c and Mauro Picardo, MDd¨bingen, Germany; Mexico City, Mexico; and Rome, ItalyTreatment of melasma involves the use of a range of topical depigmenting agents and physical therapies. Varying degrees of success have been achieved with these therapies. The Pigmentary Disorders Academy(PDA) undertook to evaluate the clinical efficacy of th

International standardization common names iberian endemic freshwater fishes

Asociaci´on Ib´erica de Limnolog´Æa, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes Pedro M. Leunda1,∗, Benigno Elvira2, Filipe Ribeiro3,6, Rafael Miranda4, Javier Oscoz4, MariaJudite Alves5,6 and Maria Jo˜ao Collares-Pereira51 GAVRN-Gesti´on Ambiental Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra S.A., C/ Padre Adoain 219 Bajo,


MESSA’s new MESSA Saver Rx drug program is designed to help MESSA members save money and stay healthy by providing discounted copayments on more than a hundred maintenance drugs prescribed for chronic conditions. MESSA Saver Rx will also reduce health care costs over the long term for our members and for their MESSA health plans by providing lower copayments for prescription drugs that ar

Plan institucional de capacitaciÓn y formaciÓn la vega - cauca.doc


The commonwealth buzz

A PUBLICATION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE BEEKEEPERS’ ASSOCIATION New Foulbrood Treatment Fall Meeting Highlights FDA approves Tylan Soluble® for honey bees Notes from VSBA meeting in Weyers Cave American beekeepers will soon have a new antibiotic with About 125 beekeepers from Virginia and neighboring states which to protect their colonies from American foulbrood attended t

Merkblatt masern.docx

Skabies (Krätze) Erreger: Die Erreger der Krätze (Skabies) sind Krätzemilben. Die Milbenweibchen graben in der Hornschicht der Haut Gänge und legen dort ihre Eier ab. Sie ernähren sich dabei von Hautzellen. Aus den Eiern entwickeln sich Larven, die auf die Hautoberfläche wandern und dort zu geschlechtsreifen Milben werden. Vorkommen: Krätzemilben kommen weltweit vor. Ihre Verbre

Microsoft word - esyndoc28620139394

Verslag vierde bijeenkomst Struinwaardteam 17 juni 2013 Verslag vierde bijeenkomst Struinwaardteam Aanwezig: Annelies Kempenaar, Jouk Petter, Kor Miedema, Geke Koekkoek, Kristian van Oene (Landschap Overijssel) en Fleur de Graaff (Landschap Overijssel) Afwezig: Bert Dijkstra, Harry Lassche, Remko van Keulen (Scouting Jan Lijding) Stand van zaken communicatie en andere afspraken Artikel Be


POSTPRANDIAL REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA SUMMARY - Postprandial reactive hypoglycemia (PRH) can be di- ´ SUME´ - Hypoglycémie réactionnelle post-prandiale. agnosed if sympathetic and neuroglucopenic symptoms develop concur-Le diagnostic d’hypoglycémie réactionnelle (HR) nécessite l’observationrently with low blood sugar (< 3.3 mmol). Neither the oral glucose toler-simultan�


Viral Ion Channels/viroporins Viral Proteins that Enhance Membrane Permeability María Eugenia González and Luis Carrasco 1. Introduction During the infection of cells by animal viruses, membrane permeability is modified attwo different steps of the virus life cycle (Carrasco, 1995) (Figure 6.1). Initially, when thevirion enters cells, a number of different-sized molecules are able


FIRST CONDITIONAL Objectives . The students must be able to: - Test their knowledge in first conditional (if/when/unless) - Recognize and apply the different structures in first conditional. Using If: “I will be annoyed if she doesn't return my phone call.” “ If she doesn’t return my phone call , I will be annoyed” What does this express? Conditional sentence

Microsoft word - darmkrampen site versie februari 2012.doc

Darmkrampen Op basis van wetenschappelijke literatuur t/m januari 2012 Inleiding Darmkramp bij pasgeborenen ook wel Infantile Colic (IC) genoemd komt voor bij ongeveer 20% van de pasgeborenen. Onderliggende oorzaken zijn nog onbekend. De symptomen van IC treden meestal op in de eerste drie weken van het leven en duren voort tot ongeveer 3 tot 4 maanden. Het huilen van een pasgeb


WELL Study Effectiveness of promotional techniques in environmental health Task No: 165 Task Management by: Dr Valerie CurtisQuality Assurance by: Dr Sandy CairncrossLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UKWEDC, Loughborough University, UKE-mail: WELL@lshtm.ac.ukInternet: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/well/ TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary .3 Introduction: Changing behaviour; how a

Monthly check register

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Juan Luis Vadillo Tel/Fax: +34 976 299 150 Mov: +34 650 529 806 Multi-Purpose Thermal Camera / Infrared Thermometer Model 85770 Description: The FIND-R-SCOPE® 85770 is an innovative hand-held, fully radiometric Thermal Imager. It offers outstanding imaging and temperature measurement performance together with flexibility, ease of use and minimal cost. The 85770 is an IR Imager that

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[ The Indian Practitioner (1973): 8, 395] Liv.52 in the Treatment of Acute Infective Hepatitis Sarkar, M.K., M.B.,B.S. Medical Officer-in-charge, Burn & Co., Durgapur, Burdwan, India. Many drugs have been tried for the therapy of acute infective hepatitis. Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics have been demonstrated to be of little use. Those, which are known to be inactiv

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DOSAGEM SÉRICA DE CTX Carboxitelopeptídeo de ligação cruzada do colágeno tipo I O desenvolvimento tecnológico e socioeconômico levou a um aumento da expectativa de vida da população. Nos países desenvolvidos, a expectativa média de vida é em torno de 80 anos de idade, fazendo com que, aproximadamente, um terço da vida das mulheres se passe no climatério e na senectude. Nos

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BIOGRAPHIE Jello Biafra "Anarchiste convaincu, politicien écologiste, artiste révolutionnaire et musicien hyperactif, Jello Biafra est certainement l'une des figures les plus importantes de la scène hardcore punk underground des 30 dernières années. On ne comptera pas ici ses innombrables col aborations musicales mais il sera néanmoins difficile d'occulter l'influence qu'on eu


Apiary Inspection Summary for Eastern Pennsylvania During the summer of 2010 I was apiary inspector in 11 Eastern Pennsylvania counties (Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Pike and Wayne). Due to the large number of counties covered, the State mandated that priority to given to beekeepers with a previous history of American Foul Brood (A

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Laparoscopic hernia repair Director of surgical department of “Lefkos Stavros” of Athens About 600,000 surgical hernia repair procedures are performed every year. Many of them are performed with the traditional “open” method and some laparoscopically. If your surgeon recommends laparoscopic repair, this leaflet can help you understand what a hernia and its treatment are. The Laparo

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Schriftenreihe natur & therapie Dr. Doris Ehrenberger mimetischer Effekt). In weiteren Versuchen ließ sich auch der die Knochendichte steigernde Effekt des Estrogens mittels Diosgenin reproduzieren. Die Yamswurzel ist ein beliebtes Nahrungsmittel in vielen südlichen Ländern, wo sie dank ihres hohen Nährwerts so bedeutend ist wie bei uns Brot oder Kar-Osteoporose und Herzinfarkt


manage their side eff ects. Second-line agents are less preferred and reserved for use when there is resistance to the fi rst-line agents. Th e approach with new cases is to start the patient on multiple (usually four) fi rst-line drugs while waiting for the results of susceptibility tests. When these results are available, the regimen is dropped back to two or three agents known to be acti

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2011 BCSC 762 Bouchard v. Brown Bros. Motor Lease Canada Ltd. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Bouchard v. Brown Bros. Motor LeaseCanada Ltd., Maurice Bouchard Brown Bros. Motor Lease Canada Ltd., United Scaffold Supply Company Inc., and Antoine Naudi Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Pearlman Reasons for Judgment INTRODUCTION [1] The plaintiff, Maurice Bouchard, cl


Literatuur bij hoofdstuk 16 Gastro-oesofageale reflux Brand PlP, Engelbert RHH, Helders PJM, Offringa M. Systematisch literatuuronderzoek naar de effeceten van behandeling bij zuigelingen met ‘kopgewrichtendinvloed bij storingen in de symmetrie’ (‘KISS-syndroom’). Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2005;149:703-7. Craig WR, Hanlon-Dearman A, Sinclair C, Taback S, Moffatt M. Metoclopramide, thic

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