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Natural fertility awareness methods used for contraceptive purposes

Fertility Awareness Methods Used For Contraceptive Purposes Wild Roots Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic with Andrea Hansen What are the Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)? FAM observes and tracks primary fertility signs in order to identify your fertile and infertile times. These methods are used to help achieve or avoid pregnancies as well as to

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To this day the Jewish people celebrate a feast around March. To celebrate the events that occurred in the book of Esther. It’s a celebration of the people’s deliverance from destruction. That’s what Esther’s about. It’s about DELIVERANCE. The feast is called the feast of purim. And the purim, is the rolling of the dice. In the story of Esther. The power of a despotic king, together

Dr monika kinteh

The Partners at this practice provide the services under agreement with Devon Primary Care Trust (NHS Devon) and offer a full general practice service. Welcome We are a small friendly practice working in a surgery that was opened in March 1993 and had an extension opened in May 2005. The Practice team strives to provide high quality patient care based on careful evaluation and monitored e


CORO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRIDVIERNES 27 DE JUNIO DE 2008. 19:30 h. Paraninfo de la facultad de filosofía (edificio a)El Coro de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid fue creado en el año 1999 con el propósito de convertirse en lugar de encuentro para los amantes de la música coral dentro de la comunidad universitaria y para representar a la Universidad Complutense en cuantos

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Impacto de los Programas de Desparasitación sobre las Helmintiasis Intestinales Ponente: Dr. José Luis Valdespino WHO/CTD/SIP/96.2 ENGLISH ONLY DISTR.: LIMITED REPORT OF THE WHO INFORMAL CONSULTATION ON THE USE OF CHEMOTHERAPY FOR THE CONTROL OF MORBIDITY DUE TO SOIL-TRANSMITTED NEMATODES IN HUMANS GENEVA 29 April to 1 May 1996 Schistosomiasis and Intestinal Parasites Unit Division of

Microsoft word - summaries 2010-4.doc

Relevant Magazine of Right to Die-NL (NVVE) Volume 36, nr. 4, December 2010 Summaries by Corry den Ouden-Smit Two general practitioners and the practice ‘THE PATIENT DECIDES WHAT IS UNBEARABLE’ Constance de Vries is 25 years physician in a village in Limburg; Dick Arentz has been physician in Haarlem, during 35 years. How do they think about the self chosen death? What do they learn from their

Flu season and schools

The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools School Health Issues: Flu Season and SchoolsFlu is an unwelcome visitor to many homes and communities this winter. Schools canhelp educate students, their families, and school staff about how to reduce the chanceof getting the flu as well as reduce the likelihood of spreading flu to others. Additionalinformation from the experts is available f


12 Disastrous Marketing and Communication Blunders Email Blunder In July 2001, the pharmaceutical corporation, Eli Lilly sent a mass email toall the users of its anti-depressant Prozac. Unfortunately the writer of themail didn’t use the ‘bcc’ function on email to hide the addressees fromeach other. In seconds Lilly had published its entire mailing list of Prozacusers. The Lesson: Av


Direktionspräsidium Inselspital: Neurologische Forschung prämiert Gleich zweimal wurden Ärzte des Inselspitals dieses Jahr von der Schweizerischen Neurolo- gischen Gesellschaft ausgezeichnet: Thomas Nyffeler erhielt den erstmals 2011 verliehenen Eberhard Ketz Preis für Neurorehabilitation und Alain Kaelin den Baasch-Medicus Preis. Der mit 10‘000 Franken dotierte Eberhard Ke


Article is available online at http://www.webio.hu/por/2005/11/4/0242 CASE REPORT Cystic Lymphangioma of the Right Adrenal Gland Lora Esberk ATES,1 Yersu KAPRAN,1 Yesim ERBIL,2 Umut BARBAROS,2 Ferhunde DIZDAROGLU11Department of Pathology, 2Department of General Surgery, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul University Lymphangiomas are benign malformations of the woman admitted to the hosp

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The EFSA Journal (2009) 1095, 1-22 SCIENTIFIC OPINION Preliminary evaluation of the safety and efficacy of paromomycin sulphate for turkeys for fattening and turkeys reared for breeding1 Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (Question No EFSA-Q-2009-00445) Adopted on 13 May 2009 PANEL MEMBERS Georges Bor

Phs 398 (rev. 9/04), biographical sketch format page

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Cairo, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Public H


Winning the Second Generation Cycles of Sin . . . Stories of Grace – Part I Introduction live – the book of Judges. I want to begin by taking you to the last chapter and the last verse of this book. The Old Testament book of Judges is a story of a This is where God gives the diagnosis of the problem. nation gone mad with sin and rebellion. It will sound Usually God gives the dia

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Notizen zum Besuch des Helkräutergartens beim Biohof Zug am 20. Dezember 2009 U n s e r e Immergrünen Früchte im Winter, der Jahreszeiten - Kopfstand des Efeu Für Mitteilungen e-Mail an [email protected] Link zu diesem Dokument bei wurz.li Wie präsentiert sich der Garten jetzt Wenn die Tage kurz und die Temperaturen tief sind, sind viele Lebensvorgänge in der Natur verla


BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH Jahrgang 2006 Ausgegeben am 19. Juli 2006 266. Verordnung: Veterinär-Arzneispezialitäten-Anwendungsverordnung 2006 266. Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Gesundheit und Frauen über die Anwendung von Veterinär-Arzneispezialitäten unter Einbindung des Tierhalters (Veterinär- Arzneispezialitäten-Anwendungsverord

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Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King NATIONAL HEALTH STRATEGIC PLAN TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL IN THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA 2011-2015 National Center for Tuberculosis & Leprosy Control Ministry of Health, I. BACKGROUND 1. BURDEN OF TB IN CAMBODIA Despite significant achievements made by the national TB programme in the past decade, Cambodia still remains one


CURRICULUM (Resumido) PETER A. CHEDRAUI, MD, MSc DATOS PERSONALES: Edad: 48 años. EDUCACION SUPERIOR:  Doctor en Medicina & Cirugía: Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil (Abril 1993).  Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia: Universidad de Guayaquil-Ecuador (Febrero Fellowship Medicina Materno-Fetal: Centro Médico de la Universidad de Nueva York Magís


Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik Viagra für den Spaß, Aspirin für Kopfschmerzen, Prospan für den Husten: Wie kommen bloß all' diese Sachen in die Apotheken? Ganz einfach: Weil Du als Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik Deinen Job gewissenhaft erledigst! Du sorgst dafür, dass die verschiedenen Waren von der Produktion über Dein Lager zum Verkauf gelangen. Da kommt ein ganzer LKW voller Medikamente,


21 / 02 / 2012 Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites. They do not work against infections that are caused by viruses - for example, the common cold or flu. Antibioticsare normally only prescribed for more serious bacterial infections - for example, pneumonia. When prescribed, itis important to take the entire course o


24. Okt. 2013, 23:10 http://www.welt.de/121197840 Viktor Vekselberg Betrügerbande gibt sich als russischer Milliardär ausRaubzug unter falschem Namen: Eine Bande gibt sich als russischerMilliardär Viktor Vekselberg aus. Sie fälschen die Homepage von seinerFirma Renova – und erbeuten Hunderttausende Euro. Von Samuel Gerber Wie schön, wenn sich Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg persönlic


Process Biochemistry 41 (2006) 1217–1222Antiproliferative activity of fish protein hydrolysates onL. Picot S. Bordenave S. Didelot I. Fruitier-Arnaudin F. Sannier G. Thorkelsson J.P. Berge´ , F. Gue´rard A. Chabeaud J.M. Piot a Laboratoire de Biotechnologies et Chimie Bio-organique (LBCB), FRE 2766-CNRS, UFR SciencesFondamentales et Sciences pour l’Inge´nieur, Baˆtiment Marie Curi

60271 antitrust bulletin

Hale and Dorr LLP diseases with primary focus on women’s cancersand infectious diseases. Its core product (the onlyone of its kind) includes a DNA-based test forhuman papillomavirus (HPV), a virus believed tocause nearly all cervical cancer cases. Digene’sHPV test is a more targeted test for cervical cancer,used when Cytec’s Pap test results are ambiguousor borderline. The HPV test

Uf researcher: teens who drink are more likely to be sexually active

Source : Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Teens Delaying Sexual Activity; Using Contraception More Effectively Sexual activity declined significantly for younger teenage girls and for teenage boys between 1995 and 2002, and teen contraceptive use improved in significant ways, according to a new study released today by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The study com


PROGRESS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRYProgress in Medicinal Chemistry - vol. 4Progress in Medicinal Chemistry - vol. 10ALGEMENE ORGANISCHE CHEMIEOrganic ChemistryWIBAUT J.P., WIBAUT_VAN GASTEL A.J.P. Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry (Instructors supplement)ELIEL E.L., ALLINGER N.L., ANGYAL S.J. & MORRISON G.A. Molecular Orbital Theory for Organic ChemistsOrganic Synthesis, Concepts, Metho

Infac vol. 11 - n¼ 7



YLMP2009 Abstract - www.ifa.amu.edu.pl/ylmp Is Neuro–Linguistic Programming hoax or hard science? A neuroscientific investigation into the theory Marek Kiczkowiak (School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) Neuro–Linguistic Programming [NLP] was first introduced in the early 1970s with a publication by Richard Bandler and John Grinder “Structures of magic I and


SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau Gebrauchshundeklasse RÜDEN VA 1 VA= vorzüglich Auslese; V = vorzüglich; SG = sehr gut; G = gut; U = ungenügend; EZ = entschuldigt zurückgezogenT1 = läßt nicht ab, ohne Bew. TSB; T2 = TSB vorhanden; T3 = TSB nicht genügend; T4 = abgebrochen wegen mangelnder Führigkeit Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. - EDV Sonntag, 7. September 2003 17:02:4

Gsk respinge acuzatiile anpc privind promovarea neetica a medicamentelor

GSK respinge acuzatiile ANPC privind promovarea neetica aCompania GlaxoSmithKline, nominalizata de oficialii ANPC alaturi de alte companii farmaceutice pentrupromovare neetica a produselor si ascunderea anumitor efecte adverse ale medicamentelor, a precizat carespecta codurile interne si internationale de etica in promovarea medicamentelor. Directorul general al companiei GSK Romania, David L

Generic and brand name cross reference

Generic and Brand Name Cross Reference Generic Name Brand Name Acetaminophen ACETAMIN, APAP, TEMPRA, TYLENOL Alprazolam XANAX Amikacin AMIKIN Amiodarone & Metabolites Bupropion WELLBUTRIN Carbamazepine TEGRETOL Chlordiazepoxide Chlorpromazine THORAZINE Clomipramine ANAFRANIL Clonazepam KLONOPIN Clonidine CATAPRES Clorazepate TRANXENE Clozapine CLOZARIL Cyclosporine A Digitoxin C

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Name: _______________________________Age: _________D.O.B.: ________________________Today’s Date:______________________ PEDIATRIC (2- 12 YEARS) INTAKE QUESTIONNAIRE GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.) What is the purpose of your visit…what can I do that would help your child the most? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Monday, December 13, 2010 at 11 a.m. IGBMC Auditorium Special Seminar Transcriptional Regulation of Adipogenesis and Energy Homeostasis Bruce SPIEGELMAN Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, BOSTON - USA The nuclear receptor PPARγ is the dominant regulator of fat cell differentiation and development. Expression and agonist activation of PPARγ is suffic


TREATMENT GUIDELINES Treatment of Malaria (Guidelines For Clinicians) If you wish to share your clinical experience, pl Treatment Table The Treatment Table is available in PDF format at Reporting We encourage clinicians to report all cases of laboratory-confirmed malaria to help CDC's surveillance efforts. Refer to our information on the Malaria Case Surveillance Report Form Ev


A trans-ethnic cinematic representation and transformation of Malay/sian nationalism The new millennium marks an epoch revival for Malaysia’s film industry especially through independent film-making. Sepet , a small budget film won the Best Picture at the 18th Malaysian Film Festival in 2005 but was later condemned as the “corrupter” of Malay culture. The victory also sparked protests fr


Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated June 24, 2013 INTERDIGITAL INC PA (IDCC-O) Technology Equipment / Communications & Networking / Communications & Networking Verus Opinion Analyst Recommendations The Verus Opinion, provided by Verus Analytics Inc, is anempirically-derived and historically back-tested stockrating system with buy, sell, and hold opinions. Tod


Das Thema / Doctrine Schikanen am Arbeitsplatz – rechtliche, gesundheit­ liche und soziale Aspekte lic. iur. Jürg Oskar Luginbühl, Rechtsanwalt / Atemtherapeut dipl. SBAM* Der Beitrag ist aus der Sicht des Praktikers Cette contribution montre le point de vue d’un pra- geschrieben und geht deshalb in Ziff. III und IV ticien, en dépassant, sous chiffres III et IV, les über die


Globalization and health viewed from threeparts of the worldDirect health effectsPerhaps the most important direct effect of globaliza-tion on health in Thailand is unequal access to medicalChitr Sitthi-amorn,1 Ratana Somrongthong,2care by different social groups. The rise in importedsophisticated technologies has increased costs andnecessitated new training. An analysis made in 1996In recen


PEOPLE living in England facing huge medical bills because they cannot get life-saving drugs on the National Health Service, could benefit by moving to Scotland for treatment. Patients need only to be “ordinarily resident” in a district to access full NHS care. The definition of ordinarily resident is not particularly restrictive and does not preclude people living two addresses, a leading la

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Root canal treatment is an attempt to save a tooth which otherwise may require extraction. It should be a very positive experience. While you may be anxious, the doctors and staff will explain the need for treatment, the process involved and provide post-operative instructions concerning your comfort and final restoration of the treated tooth. Success of treatment is dependent upon many variables

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MEDICATIONS & DOSAGES FOR HEDGEHOGS formulated by Caroline Gould & Tim Partridge B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S. & used by Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre. Dose rate: 75mg/kg bodyweight daily for 7 days. Therefore: Antibiotic b e = 0.3mls/kg daily i/m or s/c, Ampicillin injectable & oral preparations e s = one & a half tablets/kg daily orall


Korsika – diesmal Korsika • Korsisches Leben, Land und Leute • UNESCO Weltkulturerbe „Calanches de Piana“ • Charmante Hotels in Corte und Porto Korsika gilt unter Kennern als die abwechslungsreichste und spektakulärste Mittelmeer-insel. In der Heimat Napoleons verschmilzt die Milde des mediterranen Lichtes mit einer rauen und ursprünglichen Bergwelt. Begleitet von einer er

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wellthought quick guides Irritable Bowel Syndrome - 1 - Just a bit about me. My name is Ann Jalobaand I run a hypnotherapy practice inSheffield and London, England. In the past Ihave developed an online counselling andsupport service for people with cancer and Ihaver worked in health publishing, runningthe website of the Royal College of Nursingand was deputy editor of Nursing Standardmagaz

Minimum standards of child care in spanish.doc

Estándares Mínimos de Cuidado en la Comunidad Las normas mínimos de cuidado han sido, desarrollados como una guía general para asistir en evaluaciones de seguridad y protección a los niños. Si un niño no recibe cuidado suficiente para mantener su salud física, desarrollarse mental o emocionalmente a este nivel mínimo, abuso o negligencia pueden estar presentes. Problemas de abuso


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November 2009 Research News • Fermentative maceration is an important step in the production of red wines, during which phenolic and volatile compounds are extracted from the grape solids, particularly from the skins. These compounds influence the quality and typicality of red wines. Many maceration techniques have been studied with the goal of enhancing the extraction of t

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In what we view as something of a coup for NeuroSearch, The Lancet has published the results of the tesofensine Phase II Proof-of-Concept TIPO-1 study. However, without taking anything away from the company, we would remind investors that this is not new news; the main part of the results have previously been presented at various locations including the 16th European Obesity congress on


PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET Manufacturer : 1-1,Matsushita-cho,Moriguchi,Osaka 570-8511 Japan: Energy Company Lithium-Ion Battery Business Unit, Engineering Planning Group Name of Product Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery (or, Lithium-Ion secondary battery) Substance Identification : Even classified as lithium ion batteries (UN3480), 2009 IATA Dangerous GoodsRegulations 50th edition Packi


HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Carisoprodol safely • Due to sedative properties, may impair ability to perform hazardous tasks such as driv- and effectively. See full prescribing information for Carisoprodol. ing or operating machinery (5.1)• Additive sedative effects when used with o


Detecting residues of veterinary drugs in eggsWhen laying hens are given veterinary drugs, residues willalmost inevitably appear in the eggs. The compartmental separation of residues between yolk and white appears todepend on the structure and lipid solubility of the drug,the dose and extent of exposure. By Cornelis A. Kan1 and Michael Petz2, ID, Lelystad, The Netherlands1, Universi

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Be informed Ask questions Ask more questions Get a second opinion Work to strengthen your body If taking pain medications, use them when you know you will be resting - taking these drugs while working or competing in sports is a sure prescription for wearing out your body - Massage available evenings and weekends too. permanently!

Practice exam soc 322

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ Take Home Practice Exam Drugs and Society SOC 322 Spring 2012 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Cannabis exhibits some of the characteristics of ____________. 2. Psychoactive substances associated with raves are known as _________. 3. Inhalants su

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The NuvaRing What Is the NuvaRing? The NuvaRing is a flexible ring that is about two inches in diameter. It contains hormones similar to the natural hormones in a woman’s body (estrogen and progestin). These hormones are also used in the Pill. The hormones in the NuvaRing stop the release of an egg from the ovaries; it also changes the mucus produced by the cervix, which slows


WEST ESSEX REGIONAL SCHOOLS Part 1: To be completed by Physician Student’s Name:_____________________________________ D.O.B._____________ Grade (in September)_____ ALLERGY TO:________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Diagnosis (CIRCLE) Asthmatic: Yes * No (*Higher risk for severe reaction) STEP 1: TREATMENT Symptoms: Give Check


(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade)relativa à deposição de resíduos em aterrosConsiderando que, de acordo com o princípio do polui-dor-pagador, importa nomeadamente que sejam tidosem conta os eventuais danos produzidos no ambienteTendo em conta o Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeiae, nomeadamente, o n.o 1do seu artigo 130.oS,Considerando que, tal co


Licensed for viewing only. Printing is prohibited. For hard copies, please purchase from www.agileskills.org CHAPTER 3 Removing Code Smels This is a CAD application. At the moment it can draw three types of shapes: lines, rectanglesand circles. Please read the code below careful y:final static int TYPELINE = 0;final static int TYPERECTANGLE = 1;final static int TYPECIRCLE = 2;int shapeT


clinical review Update on the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris Kimberly W. Lai, BS, and Mary Gail Mercurio, MD abstract Four major factors associated with the pathogenesis of • Objective: To provide an evidence-based review of acne are increased sebum production, follicular hyperkera-tinization, Propionibacterium acnes proliferation, and inflam-• Methods: Review of the lite

Unit 7 - activities - guided readings - secondary - abolitionist movement

Abolitionist Movement Although some Americans had criticized African slavery for many years, the thirty years before the Civil War saw the growth of more active abolitionist and antislavery organizations. Two men provided the foundation for the organized crusade against slavery: David Walker and William Lloyd Garrison. A free black from North Carolina, Walker opened a used-clothing store i


Designed Specifically for Students of Colleges andUniversities in the Wisconsin Association of IndependentColleges and Universities Table of Contents NoticePrivacy Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1,993 Masterpoints DLR South 1,198 Masterpoints 4,266 Masterpoints Fall 2008 Boston, MA 4,912 Masterpoints Down 1, E/W - 50 4♣ W, down 1, E/W - 50 4♣ W, down 1, E/W - 50 The Facts: The director was called after a club was led from dummy (East) at trick 12. West played 4♣. He was in dummy after trick 11. Dummy’s cards were the ♣6 and the ♦7.

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Feedback on: Beliefs and Medical Practice Women’s Health Action Trust PO Box 9947 Newmarket AUCKLAND Senior Policy Analyst and Researcher Medical Council of New Zealand [email protected] 8th May 2009 1 Introduction: Thank you for the opportunity to provide our comments on this draft statement on beliefs and medical practice. Women’s Health Action Trust is a public interest ev

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In vitro methods to test drug – ABC transporter interaction –optimization and validation studies Emese Kis Supervisor: Péter Krajcsi PhD Co-supervisor: Prof. Kornél Kovács PhD, DSc. University of Szeged Department of Biotechnology Introduction The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily is one of the largest family in field of the transmembrane protein

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LOS APOYOS CONVERSACIONALES: PUNTO DE CONVERGENCIA SOCIOLINGÜÍSTICA Y NEUROLINGÜÍSTICA PARA LA CLASE DE E/LE Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. Taiwán. En el proceso de adquisición de la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras, los investigadores conceden cada vez mayor relevancia a la contribución del oyente en la interacción oral. El oyente

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DSV - Antidopingbestimmungen (in der Fassung vom 18.11.2001) § 1 Allgemeines (1) Doping ist als Verletzung der DSV-Regeln verboten. (2) Die Antidopingbestimmungen (ADB) sind ein Teil der Satzung des Deutschen Schwimm-Verbandes (DSV). (3) Im Zuständigkeitsbereich des DSV gelten auch die Anlagen A und B zu den Fina-Doping-Kontrollregeln (Listen der verbotenen Substanzen). (


Guidelines for supplying imagesfor printing in Australian Wood ReviewIn general we require images of the highest quality. There are some differences in our requirements for images supplied by authors and images supplied for competition and book submissions. Image quality • Set your camera to the highest quality setting available. We can accept PSD, RAW, TIFF and JPG images, however, we pre

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Name: Varsha Present Title and Affiliation : Primary Director of Education & Faculty Development Joint Appointment Department of Leukemia The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Citizenship : U.S.A. Office Address : Education : Degree-Granting Education: Kanpur University, Kanpur, India, B


Newsletter of the Worthog Brewers, Gauteng, South Africa www.worthogbrewers.co.za May / June 2002 Volume 4 Number 2 EDITORIAL CLUB HAPPENINGS There has been some discussion lately about the The only major event remaining for 2002 will be future of the Boar. Producing and mailing it, even our yearly competition. The date for this event has in the current format, is


Hormone Replacement Therapy and Bio-Identical Hormones By Diane Petersen, M.D. Hormone replacement therapy is a controversial and much-talked-about topic today in thefield of gynecology. There is much confusion regarding the safety of various hormonepreparations as well as debate over the effectiveness of hormone therapy to preventserious diseases associated with aging. A generation ago the men

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POR FAVOR LEA ATENTAMENTE ESTAS CONDICIONES DE USO ANTES DE UTILIZAR ESTE SITIO. Utilizar el sitio WebSite.ws constituye su consentimiento a las siguientes condiciones (en adelante “Condiciones de Uso”). Por favor no utilice este sitio si no está de acuerdo con estas Condiciones de Uso. Tenga en cuenta que las presentes Condiciones de Uso están sujetas a cambios y podrán ser modificadas cua


In This Issue: December 27, 2013 Vol. 33, No. 22 ♦ CDC Health Advisory: Early Reports of pH1N1- Page 1 of 3 Associated Il nesses for the 2013-14 Influenza WASHOE COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT • P.O. BOX 11130 • RENO, NEVADA • 89520-0027 • (775) 328-2447 This is an official CDC HEALTH ADVISORY Originally Distributed Via the Health Alert Network, December 24, 2013 14:30

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Solution for Discolored teeth ………… Dr Poonam Zhunzhunwala Do you ever wish that your teeth were whiter???? Very often, the distinction between a good smile and a great smile is the whiteness of the teeth . This leads to some people worry needlessly about the overall color of their teeth. For e.g. A person with light complexion may believe that his/her teeth are too dark when

Test 10 crit read answers

Test 10: Critical Reading Answers Section 3 2 . ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS Choice (B) is correct. "Stimulation" means excitement 1. ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS or arousal. If one were to insert this term into the text, Choice (B) is correct. "Daunting" means intimidating. the sentence would read "One critic asserts that "Efficient" means effective. If one


Intrathecal Baclofen in Subjects With Spastic Hemiplegia: Assessment of the Antispastic Effect During Gait Olivier Re´my-Ne´ris, MD, PhD, Vincent Tiffreau, MD, Ste´phane Bouilland, MD, Bernard Bussel, MD ABSTRACT. Re´my-Ne´ris O, Tiffreau V, Bouilland S,© 2003 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- Bussel B. Intrathecal baclofen in subjects with spastic cine and the Ame

October 2003 report

Church Development & Leadership Training since 1968 Furlough Cell Phone: 704-219-2478; E-mail At the yearly meeting of the Honduras Baptist Mission the national pastors nominated me to be President, a position I previously held for thirteen years. The Government’s new Ministry of Religion makes it more essential than ever that all legalities be fulfilled. The five churches south of th

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PRESCRIBING INFORMATION OMNIPAQUE™ (iohexol) Please refer to full national Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) before prescribing. Indications and approvals may vary in different countries. Further information available on request. PRESENTATION Aqueous solution for injection containing iohexol, a non-ionic, monomeric, triiodinated X-ray contrast medium, and available in streng


Mountain Range Dentistry PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT’S NAME LAST______________________________FIRST______________________________MI_____DATE ___________ GENDER (M) (F)_____AGE___________BIRTHDATE__________________ DRIVER’S LICENSE NUMBER_____________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________CITY__________________________STATE__________ZIP__________ PARENT


Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 54 (2005) 657 – 668Cortitrol supplementation reduces serum cortisolWilliam J. KraemerT, Duncan N. French, Barry A. Spiering, Jeff S. Volek,Matthew J. Sharman, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Daniel A. Judelson,Ricardo Silvestre, Greig Watson, Ana Go´mez, Carl M. MareshHuman Performance Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology andDepartment of Physiology and Neu


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BACK PAIN About back pain Back pain is a very common complaint – an estimated 60-80% of people are affected at some point in their lifetime. Anyone can get back pain at any age, but it's most common in people between the ages of 35 and 55, or over. It is one of the main Your back has contains a number of different structures, including bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons

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Dear Parents, Welcome back, to what is always a very busy term. We hope you enjoyed your Easter break and feel refreshed. We would like to inform you of some of the work that we will be covering. Our main theme this term is going to be Famous Explorers. The majority of our work is going to be based around this topic. Science P.S.H.E.C. Gymnastics – Linking movements together F

Casefarmaceutiche_brevetti_e bioinvestimenti.pub

Newsletter Case farmaceutiche, tra brevetti in sca- In questo numero denza ed investimenti nelle biotecnologie - I farmaci tradizionali stanno per subire una seria minaccia dai ri- spettivi generici Aprile 2010 – A breve le case farmaceutiche tradizionali dovranno fare i conti con la sca- denza di molti brevetti riguardanti farmaci importanti. Per sopperire


Yeast Yeast 2002; 19 : 991–994. Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/yea.890 Yeast Sequencing Report Genomic differences between Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae around the MRPL28 and GCN3 loci David W. Walsh,1 Kenneth H. Wolfe2 and Geraldine Butler1*1 Department of Biochemistry and Conway Institute of Biomo


C.E.J. Ketelaars In dit korte artikel wordt de stand van zaken weergegeven wat betreft de effecten en bijwerkingen van medicatie bij autisme. Bij patiënten met een Autisme Spectrum Stoornis komt een aantal symptomen en gedragingen voor die gunstig kunnen reageren op medicijnen. Deze symptomen worden beschreven en de daarbij behorende middelen van keuze worden genoemd, almede de hantering

Ang lettrevie ¥

The initial concerns of insurance and reinsurance companies withregards to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic date backto the 1980s. The main problem was the protection of their business fromthe consequences of a new and worrying disease that epidemiologicaldata showed to be transmitted by sexual intercourse and contact withcontaminated blood. Medical selection for individual life in

Microsoft word - retiree caatnips volume2 v3.doc

_______________________________________________________ Welcome to the second edition of “ RETIREE CAATNIPS”. This newsletter is produced on behalf of the CAAT Retiree Group Insurance Advisory Committee. It is designed to keep you informed of changes to your retiree group insurance benefits’ plan as well as give you some helpful information with regard to your benefits and how to use t

Appendix c.2.doc

APPENDIX C.2 GENERAL SURGERY: BREAST CANCER LITERATURE REVIEW Western Canada Waiting List Project Literature Review – General Surgery: Breast Cancer Cheryl M. Martin, Helen M. Roman-Smith, and David C. Hadorn May 31, 2000 Table of Contents 1. Introduction2. Search Strategy3. Condition and Treatment Description3.1 Prevalence and Incidence3.2 Risk Factors3.3 Diagnosis and Sta


From Principles to Practice with Class in the First YearWe propose a bridge between functional and object-oriented programming in the first-year curricu-lum. Traditionally, curricula that begin with functional programming transition to a professional,usually object-oriented, language in the second course. This transition poses numerous obstaclesto students, and often results in confusing the deta


ADVERSE REACTION NEWSLETTER 1999:2 This newsletter contains information reported toinformation reported does not necessarily reflectthe official views, decisions or policies of theInternational Drug Monitoring; however, the NATIONALLY CIRCULATED mainly associated with the dihydropyridine calcium channelblockers (CCBs) INFORMATION Brunet L, Miranda J, Farré M, Berini L, Mendieta C. G


This is the 11th in a series of 12 articles Non-surgical and drug treatments Stuart Enoch, Joseph E Grey, Keith G Harding Despite great strides in technological innovations and the Treatment emergence of a wide range of treatments for wounds,non-healing wounds continue to perplex and challenge doctors. Various non-surgical approaches have been developed andMedicated bandage su

Microsoft word - 00000000000000194041_1244649520920.rtf

HEAVY DUTY WHITE LITHIUM GREASE SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Use Description : Polishing agent and lubricant SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview Regulatory status : This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Signal Word Pressurized container. Protect from sunlight and do no

Malaria: getting our act together

MALARIA: Getting Our ACT Together Paul J. Oyier On Tuesday, 25th April, 2006, Kenya joined the continent and indeed the world, in marking the 6th Africa Malaria Day, with the theme: Get Your ACT Together. Kenya’s Health Minister, Hon. Charity Ngilu, led stakeholders in the fight against malaria by marking the day at the Kitui Stadium in Kitui District. On May 11th 2006, the world marke

Copia di layout

Vademecum organizzativo 1. Criteri generali a. Per costruire e mantenere il radica- occor e indicare come ar ivarci. mento sul ter itorio (che rappresenta uno d. L’identità del e parole d’ordine è il dei punti di forza del MFE), occor e che solo modo per far sì che azioni anchel’azione del a Sezione si indirizzi, nel diverse condot e da Sezioni diverse pos-tempo, verso tut i

Etter of offer

LETTER OF OFFER THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION This document (‘Letter of Offer’ or ‘LoF’) is sent to you as a shareholder(s) of Carnation Nutra-Analogue Foods Limited. If you require any clarifications about the action to be taken, you may consult your stock broker or investment consultant or Manager to the Offer or Registrar to the Offer. In case


REGIONAL WINTER FORUM 2013 Feb 21st-23rd , Cluj Napoca EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE IN INFERTILITY – FROM CLINICAL STUDIES TO INDIVIDUALS Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Polish Gynecological Association Section of Fertility and Sterility Thursday, Feb 21st Opening ceremony Florin Stamatian – Welcome from local Organizing Committee Rafal Kurzawa


Oecologia (2002) 130:297–308DOI 10.1007/s004420100801 Heather Erickson · Eric A. Davidson · Michael Keller Former land-use and tree species affect nitrogen oxide emissions from a tropical dry forestReceived: 19 January 2001 / Accepted: 1 August 2001 / Published online: 28 September 2001© Springer-Verlag 2001 Abstract Species composition in successional dry for- tively and exponentially


Shelley is a 32-year-old mother of two beautiful girls. This person grew up with red spots on the face. Since this did not pose any problems, these wereperceived to be freckles that people get in the teenage years, which will eventually go away as the individual, gets older. Unfortunately, this remaineduntil Shelley was much older and was shocked with the diagnosis given by the doctor. The speci

Acute diarrhea in adults

World Gastroenterology Organization Practice Guidelines Acute diarrhea in adults Review team <author names to be supplied> Contents 1 Definition Acute diarrhea is defined as an abnormally frequent discharge of semisolid or fluid fecal matter from the bowel, lasting less than 14 days. 2 Pathogenesis The causes of acute diarrhea can be grouped under four main head

Microsoft word - tetracycline.doc

Tetracycline Panmycin and Sumycin are other names for this medication. How Is This Medication Useful? Tetracycline is used to treat many infections in pets, especially those diseases caused by ticks. Are There Conditions or Times When Its Use Might Cause More Harm Than Good? Some animals are allergic to tetracycline. If your animal has shown allergies to any of the tetracycline p

Microsoft word - pl_wyeth_v_levine_decision_alertmar09.doc

March 2009 Product Liability Alert U.S. Supreme Court rules no federal preemption for prescription drug labels In a long-awaited decision, on March 4, 2009, in Wyeth v. Levine, the United States Supreme Court found by a 6 to 3 vote, that the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a warning label on a prescription drug did not preempt state law tort claims. This case i

Safety data sheet

SIGMA-ALDRICH sigma-aldrich.com Material Safety Data Sheet 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 USA both supplier and manufacturer) Preparation Information Product Safety - Americas Region 1-800-521-8956 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview OSHA Hazards Target Organ Effect, Harmful by ingestion., Irritant Tar


Breast feeding and HIV transmission: Current state of the evidence Robert Pratt BA, MSc, RN, RNT, FRCN, Professor of Nursing, Richard Wells Research Centre, Thames Valley University London Carol Pellowe BA (Hons), MA (Ed), RN, RNT, Principal Lecturer (Research), Richard Wells Research Centre, Thames Valley University London Women now account for at least half of the total global number

Microsoft word - factsheet-hepatitis-c.doc

Factsheet zu Hepatitis C Was ist das? Hepatitis C ist eine Leberentzündung, die durch das Hepatitis-C-Virus Die akute Infektion verursacht nur selten Symptome, wird aber häufig Eine chronische Hepatitis C kann nach Jahren bzw. Jahrzehnten zu Durch heutige Therapien ist die Hepatitis C jedoch oft heilbar. Wie ist die durchschnittliche Inkubationszeit? Wie kann man sich anstecke

Microsoft word - 2006v2n1_artigo_03.doc

COMPETENCIES FOR NURSING CARE OF PATIENTS WITH SUBSTANCE RELATED DISORDERS Madeline A. Naegle1, Nurses and midwives, the largest group of providers, deliver basic and specialty healthcare worldwide. They are uniquely positioned to deliver interventions for drug use, abuse and dependence. Few provide such care however, because their basic educations lacked information and clinica

Microsoft word - nuclear medicine preps_withlogo.doc

Nuclear Medicine Department – Phone: 904.202.8150 Nothing to eat or drink 4 hours prior to the study. Informed consent must be obtained prior to the lumbar puncture. Nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the scan. Please send a bottle with formula or breast milk (it can be thickened with cereal, if necessary). The patient will need to eat for the exam. Nothing to eat or drink for 6


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: The symbol * nex

Microsoft word - document

The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness Newsletter Greetings! IN THIS ISSUE DISEASES • Reference Ranges - Why Your NORMAL Lab Results May be What is thyroid: • Melissa Langton Crowned Mrs. United States 2006 • Testimonial of the Month by Melissa Langton • Recipe of the Month - Ceci Dip (Yeast-free) Reference Ranges - Why Your NORMAL Lab Results May be


Medical Skin Care significantly improves Quality of Life in Subjects with mild Acne Vulgaris Scherdin U1, Treder-Conrad C1, Berger B2, Micic S2, Rippke F1 1Beierdorf AG, Hamburg, Germany; 2Beiersdorf Ges mbH, Vienna, Austria Abstract 68 subjects (48 females, 20 males; mean age: 21.5 years) with mild Assessment at baseline forms of acne vulgaris were enrolled in this open, de

Rimini _2_

Running Title: Single embryo transfer NUMBER OF EMBRYOS TRANSFERRED AND IMPLANTATION Pierluigi Gianninia, Claudio Piscitellia, Annalise Giallonardoa, Marco Sbraciab, Francesco Morgiaa, Monica Tortia, Monica Montigiania, Mauro. Schimbernia aBioroma Centro di Riproduzione Assistita Casa di Cura “Paideia”, Rome, Italy bCenter for endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, Rome, Ital


[email protected] DUPONT REPORTS FIRST QUARTER 2003 EARNINGS • First quarter 2003 earnings, before special items and cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles, were $.61 per share compared with first quarter 2002 earnings of $.55, up 11 percent. • First quarter 2003 income before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles was


Julebrev 2004 En dag i det 21. århundrede. Eller tog jeg fejl, er det måske i middelalderen? Jeg kan ikke se forskel! I den vestlige verden frygter vi terrorister i en sådan grad at vi opfører os som de værste af alle. Vi har dræbt flere uskyldige mennesker i Afghanistan og Irak end nogen fundamentalistisk terrorist nogensinde er lykkedes med i den vestlige verden. Engang håbe

Swine flu update 04 27 09 1750 final

SWINE FLU UPDATE Department of Homeland Security Updated 4/27/09 at 17:50 p.m. On Sunday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared a public health emergency related to the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico and the cases reported in the United States. This is a precautionary tool that the federal government uses often to make sure that we have the resources we nee


Behandelmethodes; Ter handreiking, heb ik hier een aantal behandelmethodes verzameld die vaker tot veel, toegepast worden bij indicatie Whiplash en Whiplash-“verdacht”. Bedenkt wel goed, niet alles werkt bij iedereen. De een kan direct al heel veel baat hebben bij een behandeling, terwijl die behandeling bij een ander de klachten alleen maar verergert. Bovendien wil direct resultaat

Newsletter of the law february 2006

letter of the law The information in this newsletter is merely a guide and is not a full explanation of the law. This firm cannot take responsibility for any action readers take based on this information. When making decisions that could affect your legal rights, please contact us for February 2006 professional advice. Do your homework on gyms before signing H ave you resolved

Rccm2009060837oc 150.157

Antibiotics in Addition to Systemic Corticosteroids forAcute Exacerbations of Chronic ObstructivePulmonary DiseaseJohannes M. A. Daniels1, Dominic Snijders1, Casper S. de Graaff1, Fer Vlaspolder2, Henk M. Jansen3,and Wim G. Boersma11Department of Pulmonary Diseases and 2Department of Microbiology, Medical Center Alkmaar, Alkmaar; and 3Department of PulmonaryDiseases, Amsterdam Medical Center, Un


Strategies for Employers to Help Employees Who Want to Quit Using Tobacco Using your company’s health plan to help employees and their families quit using tobacco Research shows that the most effective tobacco dependence treatment includes medication(s) and coaching/counseling–this combination can double or triple the employee’s chances of quitting successfully. Businesses that h

Vulkanmineral klinoptilolith

Schriftenreihe natur & therapie Jiaogulan Dr. Doris Ehrenberger Jiaogulan darf, wie so vieles aus der Natur, nicht mit Wirkungen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Ausführungen wie diese hier dürfen niemals mit dem Verkauf von Adaptogene sind Natursubstanzen, die dem Körper Jiaogulan in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Und dabei helfen, sich an Stresssituationen anzupassen.

Microsoft word - doj complaint draft.doc

Federal Bureau of Investigation Color of Law - Civil Application Request for Investigation and Remedies for Violations of Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 (Police Misconduct Statute) This application is a formal request for the Department of Justice to seek civil remedies due to policies and practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees of the Los Angeles Police Dep


Performance Drug List The CVS Caremark Performance Drug List is a guide within select therapeutic categories for clients, plan participants and health care providers. Generics should be considered the first line of prescribing. If there is no generic available, there may be more than one brand-name medicine to treat a condition. These preferred brand-name medicines are listed to help ide


Département d'Anesthésie, Réanimation Chirurgicale, SAMU XIIème journée normande d'anesthésie-réanimation Intoxications graves par les cardiotropes J.-L. Gérard1, P. Lehoux1, O. Lepage2 Conférences d'actualisation 2002, p. 555-571. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS, et Sfar. Tous droits réservés. 1 Département d'anesthésie réanimat


药剂学 I 试卷(A 卷,2007 年 7 月) 适用对象:2003 级药学(英语)专业 一、名词解释(每题 1 分,共计 10 分) 1. Consolvency: The solubility of weak electrolytes and nonpolar molecules can be increased by the addition of water-misible solvents. This process is known as Consolvency. 2. Tincture: are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions prepared from vege

Libro ponte 2012-13

BIBLIOTECA D’ISTITUTOSCUOLA MEDIA STATALE I GIARDINI DEGLI ALTRI PREMESSA Il progetto ponte ha come finalità la creazione di un collegamento fra i percorsi didattici della Scuola Elementare e l’itinerario della Scuola Media, attraverso il canale della lettura. Il romanzo scelto narra la storia di Olivier che si trasferisce in campagna per le vacanze estive e lì incontra Nina. Lei


CONSEJO DE ESTADO SALA DE LO CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVO SECCIÓN CUARTA Consejero Ponente: WILLIAM GIRALDO GIRALDO Bogotá D.C., cuatro (4) de agosto de dos mil once (2011) Radicación número: 76001233100020030437001 (17520) Actor : EMCALI E.I.C.E. E.S.P. Demandado: MUNICIPIO DE SANTIAGO DE CALI FALLO La Sala decide el recurso de apelación interpuesto por la parte demandan

Microsoft word - 0508_stryjan_pdf.doc

Fachbereich Wirtschaft Faculty of Business The practice of social entrepreneurship: Wismarer Diskussionspapiere / Wismar Discussion Papers Der Fachbereich Wirtschaft der Hochschule Wismar, University of Technology, Busi-ness and Design bietet die Präsenzstudiengänge Betriebswirtschaft, Management so-zialer Dienstleistungen, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsrecht sowie die Fer

Erectile dysfunction pde5 inhibitors

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (ED) AND PDE5 INHIBITOR PRESCRIBING In the UK there are now 3 ‘on-demand’ PDE5 oral inhibitors; sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil and one ‘daily’ PDE5 oral inhibitor, tadalafil once daily. The Warrington and Halton Hospitals Foundation Trust Drug and Therapeutics Committee recently gave approval for the once daily tadalafil 2.5mg and 5mg tablets accord

Microsoft word - where the heart is.doc

Spoilers: Dead Irish Writers “I don’t know why you won’t listen to me?” “Why I won’t listen to you?!” Josh shouted as they left the restaurant. “Amy, you’ve been harping on this for three days. Can’t we just have a nice dinner and not talk about political agendas?” “Harping! I’m not harping. I’m expressing the views….” Josh cut her off by walking to the p


Technisches Merkblatt Holzschutzsysteme profilan®-prevent Wasserbasierende, farblose Grundierung mit bioziden Wirkstoffen zum vorbeugenden Schutz gegen Bläue, Schimmel, Pilze und Insekten. RAL-Gütesiegel, Verleihungsurkunde Nr. 871 Anwendungs- profilan®-prevent dient dem Schutz statisch nicht beanspruchter Hölzer ohne Erdkontakt im Außenbereich vor Insekten

Inquiry into the rates and land tax amendment bill 2003

WESTON CREEK COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Your Local Voice - Email: [email protected] Website: www.wccc.com.au Mr Brendan Smyth, MLALeader of the OppositionChairStanding Committee on Public AccountsACT Legislative AssemblyLondon CircuitCANBERRA ACT 2601 Inquiry into the Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2003 The Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) has been actively involved in WestonCreek

Pubselect custom book

Millions for Viagra,Pennies for Diseasesof the Poor KEN SILVERSTEIN Why are pharmaceutical companies willing to invest millions of dollars ondrugs that reduce wrinkles or that eliminate our pets’ anxiety—and not ondrugs that would eradicate life-threatening illness afflicting Third Worldpopulations? The answer is related to how global economic stratificationaffects the availability of he


Management of Complex Ovarian Cysts in Women with Management of Complex Ovarian Cysts in women with Postmenopausal Bleeding Abstract Introduction : Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) to determine endometrial thickness is recommended in women with postmenopausal bleeding (PMB). TVS may also detect extra-endometrial pathology including ovarian cysts. National guidelines exist regarding ma

Microsoft word - mclainbio_jan2014

Jean E.T. McLain, Ph.D. Associate Director, University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) Associate Research Scientist, WRRC and Dept. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science 350 N Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85719 My current research is directed towards establishing the public health and environmental safety of reclaimed municipal wastewater, with the goal of extendin


Multi Intelligence and Relation to Cognitive style torlerance-Untorlernce Of Ambiguity Among Submitted to the Council of College Arts-Baghdad University,in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for Abstract Intelligence concept forms basic corner important from modern scientific educational cognitive in general and in individual life’s in private. Intelligence is considered one of the basi

Microsoft word - bch nuclear medicine-bone density preps.doc

Brampton Civic Hospital Diagnostic Imaging Preps/Instructions Nuclear Medicine Exam Prep/Instructions Bone Density No x-ray procedure involving barium for 2 weeks prior, no nuclear medicine procedure 1 week prior, no x-ray/CT Scan with contrast dye 1 week prior. Light breakfast, no fats, no caffeine (no tea, coffee, soft drinks, decaffeinated drinks, chocolate). Hold Via

2011-202577-76-benefit summary-dom-v4_benefit summary

Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Domestic Students Attending Mountain State University 2011-2012 Mountain State University is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All registered undergraduate studentstaking 9 or more credit hours, and all registered graduate students taking 6 or more credithours or design

Microsoft word - oc prep-revised _2_.doc

Patient Instruction Sheet for Conventional Colonoscopy Below are instructions on how to take your prep medications: DIET: You may NOT eat any solid food the day before or morning of your exam. Only “ clear liquids ” are allowed. AVOID DARK COLORED LIQUIDS, SUCH AS RED OR DARK PURPLE . Examples of clear liquids include water, pulp-free fruit juices such as apple juice,

Microsoft word - adminofprescribedmed 2012.doc

WESTBURN SCHOOL POLICY STATEMENT SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION OF PRESCRIBED MEDICATION BY SCHOOL STAFF RATIONALE: Procedures are necessary to administer prescribed medication for students when the parent or caregiver is unable to do so. However, the school understands there may be some parents/caregivers who encourage their child to take responsibility for their own medication, e.g. asthma inhalers ke


2012 SOUTH WEST DH CHAMPS @ GAWTON GRAVITY HUB DOWNHILL MTB Event Ranking Rank Bib. Name Category Gap Club / Sponsors WILLIAMSON Jay 1:38.955 SORRELL Rowan 1:39.974 ROSS Charlie 1:40.372 MADDISON Sam 1:40.825 GREENLAND Laurie 1:40.881 1.926 Orange / Oneindustries / Psyclewerx STEER Harry 1:42.328 FORTE Kye 1:43.538 RICHARDS Shaun 1:

Miolo memento14x21_2006_4.pmd

Nome Genérico: haloperidol Classe Química: derivado butirofenona Classe Terapêutica: neuroléptico, antipsicótico Forma Farmacêutica e Apresentação: Haloperidol 5 mg, em envelope com 10 comprimidos INDICAÇÕES • Esquizofrenia • Outros usos: doença de Haloperidol é usado no controle sintomático dos transtornos psicóticos empacientes com esquizofrenia. Os agentes a

Microsoft word - patienten-info englisch.doc

G lobance® L avage Powder for creating a macrogol-3350 electrolyte drink solution Patient information Preparing your bowel for diagnostic examination Dear Patient! You are due to undergo a diagnostic examination of the bowel, for which you must prepare with an intestinal cleansing. It is extremely important to achieve a high level of cleanliness of the bowel for the forthcoming en


CIRCUMCISION WOUND: In most cases your incision will have multiple sutures that run along the course of your incision. Expect some redness around the sutures. If there is generalized redness, especially with increasing pain or swelling, let us know. The penis will very likely get 'black and blue' as the blood in the tissues spreads. Sometimes the whole penis will turn colors. The b


sion or bipolar disorder have a 1.2 to 1.5 increased likelihood adolescents (<18 years old) identified the same hierarchy for of being obese (BMI ≥30) (44,69,70,81,82). Clinical research risk of weight gain for this vulnerable population (109). Among has suggested that up to 68% of treatment-seeking bipolar the conventional AP, so-called low-potency agents, such as disorder patients are over

Luca 9 la verna lidia maggi

Assemblea Generale La Verna, 21 – 27 agosto 2010 Luca 9,51-62 meditazione a cura di Lidia Maggi, pastora battista Le parole di questa sessione sono le più dure e intransigenti che Gesù pronuncia nel A volte la parola di Dio è un balsamo, una carezza che lenisce, una spinta che senza difficoltà ti conduce a largo…e ti sostiene. Un battito d’ali che ti solleva da terra e

Microsoft word - r6199034.rtf

Safety Data Sheet Oxybutynin Hydrochloride Revision date : 2011/09/28 1. Product and Company Identification 2. Hazards Identification Emergency overview WARNING: HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. May cause eye damage. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. INGESTION MAY CAUSE GASTRIC DISTURBANCES. CAN FORM EXPLOSIVE DUST-AIR MIXTURES. Avoid c

(11díadelatelevision_em ed)

Boletín Santillana Día de la Televisión Preparación 1. Lee el cómic de Quino y contesta las preguntas. a. ¿Por qué las ovejas están concentradas en el b. ¿Qué elemento nuevo aparece en el segundo c. ¿Qué hace el diablo antes de irse? d. ¿Qué efecto tiene la televisión sobre el personaje e. ¿Qué ocurre con la flauta? f. ¿Qué relación sugiere el cómic entre


Joël BERNE Graphic Art Director WebDesign - Illustration - 3D - Vidéo [email protected] - http://worldofjobe.online.fr - 01 72 34 50 12 D omaines d’Intervention • Création de design et d’ergonomie Web et multimédia, création d’illustrations 2D & 3D (personnages et décors), animation en images de synthèse, montage vidéo, storyboard et mise en page. �


First Time Generic (Rx-to-OTC) Market Entry Estimated Dates As of July 2011 Note: Estimated dates are subject to change due to patent litigation, additional patents, exclusivities… Year -- Period -- Brand Name -- Generic name -- Common use(s)  2012 1Q (Mar) Avandaryl® glimepiride/rosiglitazone Type 2 diabetes  2012 1Q (Mar) Avapro® irbesartan High blood pres

Microsoft word - 2003_wf_allocations.doc

2003 IJSBA World Finals World Finals Allocations World Finals Classes Each Region (1-12) Motosurf National Tour Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 2 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 3 Note 3 Note 1 14-15 year-o


http://intl.elsevierhealth.com/journals/mehySituational therapy for Wernicke’s aphasiaEric Lewin Altschuler a,b,*, Alicia Multari c, William Hirstein b,d,V.S. Ramachandran ba Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Medicine and Dentistry ofNew Jersey, 30 Bergen Street, ADMC 1, Suite 101, Newark, NJ 07101, USAb Brain and Perception Laboratory, University of Califo

Product and company information – section

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Itch Relief Spray PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION – SECTION 1 Manufacturer/Distributor Carlstadt, NJ 07072 201-507-8300 800-275-3433 Product Name: Itch Relief Spray Synonyms: Itch Spray, Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Spray For the temporary relief of pain and itch associated with Intended Use: insect bites and rashes due to poiso

Revista ciencia y desarrollo .

Ciencia & Desarrollo Recibido: 07/09/2011 Aceptado: 30/11/2011 Estudio Toxicológico con Dosis Subaguda de Proustia Berberidifolia (tasa) en ratas de Laboratorio Toxicological Study with Subacute Dose of Proustia RESUMEN: Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, de intervención, comparativo-explicativo paraprobar la hipótesis: que la administración (300mg/kg pc) en


Website: http://www.sd45.bc.ca/bowen/Index.htmprofessional development day of the year. We spent a very Principal’s Message productive day together in collaborative planning andcoordination to get the year underway smoothly. We areworking on a number of new initiatives and strategies toWelcome back to a new school year! Every one seems trulypromote the achievement of our school’s strat

Asthma data collection form

WEST SIDE PEDIATRICS ASTHMA DATA COLLECTION FORM 2009 Remove because _____________________________ New Patient Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Date of Visit: ____/____/____ Insurance Company: ________________________________ Provider: DePalma Esterle Gibbons Maamari Hunter Maddiwar Raterman Ref# _______________ PARENT SECTION - Please Complete Qu

Gehirndoping für mediziner und schüler/studenten

Studium generale: Projekt © Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Fischer Gehirndoping für alle? Gehirndoping für alle? In Kooperation mit Memory-Liga Zell a. H., Verband der Gehirntrainer Deutschlands VGD®, Wissiomed®-Akademie Die Unterlagen dürfen in unveränderter Form unter Angabe des Herausgebers in nicht kommerzieller Weise verwendet werden! Wir sind dankbar für Veränderungsv


HIKMA PHARMACEUTICALS PLC Acquisition of Promopharm S.A. Strengthening our leading position in the MENA region 4 October 2011 ■ This document, which has been issued by Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (the “Company”), comprises the written materials/slides for a presentation. This document and its contents are confidential and may not be reproduced, redistributed or passed on, direct

Microsoft word - dr j 2005-06 for webility use - 2005-08-19a.doc

“Ask Dr. J” The “Ask Dr. J” columns are authored monthly by Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH, President of Webility Corporation. See previous columns at www.webility.md. Dr. J’s columns also appear in the monthly Bulletin of the Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC). To purchase a book of Dr. J’s collected columns, go to www.dmec.org. The columns often summarize iss

Microsoft word - program intake packet revised 2010 03 3

Thank you for taking the time to fill out these forms. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. The information we collect will be helpful to your clinician and provide the cornerstone for future preventative studies. The information gathered here will be kept strictly confidential. NAME: _______________________________________________ DATE: ____/____/____ AGE:________ ADDRESS: __


Sexual Function During Bupropion or Paroxetine Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder Sidney H Kennedy, MD, FRCPC 1, Kari A Fulton, BA, CCRC2, R Michael Bagby, PhD 3, Andrea L Greene, BA4, Nicole L Cohen, MA5, Shahryar Rafi-Tari, MSc6 Objective: The primary objective was to evaluate sexual function (SF) separately in men and women with major depressive disorder (MDD) before and during trea

Pii: s0006-3223(02)01396-3

Cerebral Blood Flow during Anticipation of PublicSpeaking in Social Phobia: A PET StudyMaria Tillfors, Tomas Furmark, Ina Marteinsdottir, and Mats Fredrikson Background: The aim was to examine the neural corre- ously been investigated in animal phobics (Drevets et al lates of anxiety elicited by the anticipation of public 1995; Wik et al 1996) and normal healthy volunteers speaking in ind

Microsoft word - iaumc health form - 2009.doc

Camper Health History & Authorization This form is MANDATORY and must be completed by the legal guardian of any minor participant, as well as all adult participants, attending camping events. This form is REQUIRED at the time of camper check-in and the “Camp Authorization” and “Public Relations Release” (back page) MUST be signed. Okoboji ● Pictured Rocks ● Wesley Woo

Microsoft word - mark phd_cv_copy.doc

MARK YOSLOW, Ph.D. 438 Cambridge Avenue, Ste. 120 • Palo Alto, CA 94306 • Phone: 650-324-9484 Ext. 9 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Postdoctoral Intern: Counseling and Psychotherapy Accuracy in provisional diagnosis, allowing for suspected disorders and rule-outs Assessment experience includes BDI, Bender, CPSS, HFS, LCI-Revised, MCMI-III, MIPS-Revised, PDS, RISB, STAXI-2, TAT, WAIS-

Wichita angels

Angels Academy 2012-13 Release & Medical Form Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Parents Names ______________________ Home Phone _______________ Cell # ______________________


Julio en el Museo del Juguete de San Isidro ¡NO TE PIERDAS LAS PROPUESTAS QUE TENEMOS PARA ESTAS VACACIONES DE INVIERNO! SÁBADO 7 - SORPRENDENTE ¿Cómo se hace un juguete? Los juguetes son mundos. ¿Alguna vez pensaste cómo se hacen los juguetes? En este taller se abordan técnicas y materiales de fabricación, vas a poder construir un prototipo, experimentar técnicas derivadas


Letters to the Editor cently published by Taylor et al (2), who reported an overallRecent eLetters to the Editor are available at radiology.rsnajnls success rate of 93% with an average dose of 300 units of .org. eLetters that are no longer posted under ‘‘Recent eLet-thrombin. In addition, use of a lower dose of thrombin mayters’’ can be found as a link in the related article or b

Microsoft word - cheerleaders-sales.doc

------------------------------------------------------------------------ New York Times November 28, 2005 Gimme an Rx! Cheerleaders Pep Up Drug Sales By STEPHANIE SAUL As an ambitious college student, Cassie Napier had all the right moves - flips, tumbles, anever-flashing America's sweetheart smile - to prepare for her job after graduation. Shebecame a drug saleswoman. Ms. Napier, 26, w

Pharmacists’ liability for dispensing errors

Criminal Liability for Dispensing Errors In April 2009, a British pharmacist was given a three-month suspended jail sentence after mistakenly dispensing the wrong medicine.1 The jail sentence was suspended for 18 months and caused significant controversy amongst the pharmacy profession in the UK, with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) calling for the decriminali

Key for midterm2 spring 2001.pdf

Economics 101 - Key for Midterm #2 April 18, 2001 Parts a, b, c and d are worth 6, 12, 7 and 8, respectively for a total of 33 points. 1a. The U.S. has a comparative advantage in the production of automobiles since it can produce automobiles at a lower opportunity (foregoes 1/2 shirt for 1 automobile) cost than Indonesia (foregoes 6 shirts for 1 automobile). Indonesia has a comparative


AGENCE CANADIENNE DU PARI MUTUEL CODIFICATION RÈGLEMENT SUR LA SURVEILLANCE DU PARI MUTUEL DORS/91-365 modifié par DORS/91-518 DORS/96-431 DORS/91-656 DORS/97-475 DORS/92-126 DORS/98-424 DORS/92-225 DORS/99-55 DORS/92-628 DORS/99-160 DORS/93-143 DORS/99-196 DORS/93-218 DORS/99-343 DORS/93-255 DORS/99-360 DORS/93-497 DOR

P-cats list_en & fr.xls

Paediatric Canadian Access Targets for Surgery (P-CATS) *Wait 1 is defined as the time from referral to a specialist to the initial specialist consultation. **Wait 2 is defined as the time between the date on which a decision is made to proceed with surgery and the surgery date. P-CATS Prioirty Classification TablePriority Classification Canadian Paediatric Surgical Wait Times (CPSWT) Proj


Patient Information INTELENCE™ (in-tel-ence) Important: Ask your doctor or pharmacist about medicines that should NOT be taken with INTELENCE™ . For more information, read the section “Can INTELENCE™ be taken with other medicines?”. Read this information carefully before you start taking INTELENCE™ and each time you renew your prescription, as new information may be avai


Working Party News for WACT volunteers - May 2010 Editorial Some very sad news, with the death of Tim Jolly. Tim was a regular on working parties in the1980s when he became a personal friend, and one of the people I kept in touch with aftergoing to France. He played a key role in WACT up to the end. Tim will be a hard act to follow,and will be missed by us all. At a packed AGM on 24

Microsoft word - report1tab12 vouchers needed by county

Table 3. County vouchers needed at WTU herbarium, arranged alphabetically by county Adams County (42 taxa) Adonis aestivalis Monitor Aegilops cylindrica C Cardaria draba C Carduus nutans B Cenchrus longispinus B Centaurea solstitialis B Centaurea diffusa B Centaurea calcitrapa A Centaurea stoebe B Centaurea repens B Chondrilla juncea B Cirsium arvense C Cirsium vulgare C Conium

Microsoft word - 200509-drug-induced photosensitivity.doc

Detail-Document #200509 −This Detail-Document accompanies the related article published in− PHARMACIST’S LETTER / PRESCRIBER’S LETTER Drug-Induced Photosensitivity Lead author: Kelly M. Shields, Pharm.D. Drugs Reported to Cause Photosensitivity Reactions 1-11 Therapeutic Class Comments ( Zyrtec ), cyproheptadine ( Periactin ), diphenhydramine ( Benadryl ),

Publications umr inserm 476 /inra 1260 – 2005 / 2007

PUBLICATIONS UMR INSERM 476 /INRA 1260 – 2005 / 2007 • Allegre C, Moulin P, Gleize B, Pieroni G & Charbit F (2006) Cholesterol removal by nanofiltration: Applications in nutraceutics and nutritional supplements. Journal of Membrane Science 269, 109-117. • Andrieu E, Darmon N & Drewnowski A (2005) Low-cost diets: more energy, fewer nutrients. • Andrieu E, Darmon N & Drew

Directory of prescription drug patient assistance programs

99120-PhRMA PatAssist.1999 6/18/99 4:07 PM Page i 1999–2000 99120-PhRMA PatAssist.1999 6/18/99 4:07 PM Page iii INTRODUCTION The research-based pharmaceutical industry has had a long-standing tradition ofproviding prescription medicines free of charge to physicians whose patients mightnot otherwise have access to necessary medicines. To make it easier for physicians to identify the grow


Statistics E-mail accounts in the world - 3 375 000 000 ➢ Corporate E-mail accounts - 25% . Consumer E-mail accounts - 75%. Territorial division of Email users: ➢ Asia Pacific region - 49% Europe - 22% North America - 14% Rest of World - 15% Top E-mail senders, e-mails/day: ➢ Google.com - 435 200 000 Yahoo.com - 398 800 000 Hotmail.com - 160 300 000

Church wood & robsack wood local natu.

Church Wood & Robsack Wood Local Nature Reserve Biodiversity Analysis (DRAFT) Introduction This document lists the status of biological records for Church Wood & Robsack Wood Local Nature Reserve. A simple analysis of the records will show where there are gaps in the biodiversity knowledge of the nature reserve and where resources should be prioritised for biological recording, survey


Cite this article as: BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38282.607859.AE (published 29 November 2004) United Kingdom back pain exercise and manipulation (UK BEAM) randomised trial: cost effectiveness of physical treatments for back pain in primary care UK BEAM Trial Team Full authorship details are given in the accompanying paper (doi: 10.1136/bmj.38282.669225.AE). Abstract poorer outcomes than those r

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